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"It will be a great thing for me to go back to sa Lewis, and tell them I wass seeing you, and you wass looking so well. And I will be thinking I wass neffer coming to any one I knew any more; and it is a great fright I hef had since we came away from sa Lewis; and I wass thinking we would neffer find you among all sa people and so far away across sa sea and sa land.

He said, "That's all right," and gave his hand to Iskender, who all at once beheld the beauty of the trees and sky, the wealth of crimson flowers above the sakieh. But when the suppliant pressed it to his lips, the Frank seemed angry, cried, "Don't be idiotic!" and glanced round him nervously. "I luf you, sir!" pursued Iskender passionately. "By God, I neffer tell you lies again.

He noted Barry's intention of towing the brigantine out, and now he asserted his authority as owner. "Don't bodder for the ship, Captain Barry," he shouted. "Take eferybotty in dot launch to the odder side ouf the riffer. Neffer mind why. I schall tell you in goot time. Let the ship drift by herself where she will." "Then get a move on, all hands!" shouted Barry.

They will neffer be no better till they get the Gosbel light, the liffin water. I told him he was talking nonsense; that, for my part, I thought the missionaries did more harm than good, and once again he changed his standpoint, though less boldly, saying: 'It is so delightful to talk thus freely to a noble English gentleman.

"They say it is an easy death, Donald." "They neffer tried it that said that," said the old fisherman gloomily. "It wass one day the son of my sister wass coming over from Saltcoats But I hef no wish to speak of it; and that wass but one among ferry many that I have known." "How long is it since you were in the Lewis, did you say?" Lavender asked, changing the subject.

Elias then, in a frenzy, fell down at his feet, imploring him with tears to reconsider. "Beeble'll think we're some common fellows and be rude to us," he moaned. "Neffer mind the exbense, sir; that not matter a blow. These beeble friends o' mine, they come for nothin' 't all. You gif them what you dam' blease!" His agony was terrible to witness.

"And what dream does she mean?" asked the dragoon, who had approached during the reading. "Yez; what's the dream?" said the Swiss. "Well, pardieu!" said Aramis, "it was only this: I had a dream, and I related it to her." "Yez, yez," said the Swiss; "it's simple enough to dell a dream, but I neffer dream." "You are very fortunate," said Athos, rising; "I wish I could say as much!"

Lavender, that there is no better fishermen on the coast. They are ferry fine, tall men, and they are ferry well dressed in their blue clothes, and they are manly fellows, whether they are drunk or whether they are sober. Now look at this, sir, that in the worst of weather they will neffer tek whisky with them when they go out to the sea at night, for they think it is cowardly.

"Oh!" shrieked the girls, and then everybody but Hans set up a laugh. The German youth looked suspiciously out from under the table. "Vot's der madder did he go off?" he questioned. "Yes, he did, Hans," answered Grace. "It was nothing but a cracker full of colored paper instead of powder." "Is dot so?" Hans got up and looked around. "Vell, I neffer!

For example, at the Siege of Seringapatam, where he mentions such well-known names as Baillie, Baird, Campbell, and M'Donald, two-thirds the names of my countrymen, and he calls them "English!" which makes me think of Neil Munro's skipper of "The Vital Spark" and his remark about his Mate, "He wass a perfect shentleman, he would neffer hurt your feelings unless he was trying."