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The pine-apple; Bromelia Ananas. This fruit, which is here called Nanas, grows very large, and in such plenty that they may sometimes be bought at the first hand for a farthing a-piece; and at the common fruit-shops we got three of them for two-pence half-penny.

Paid for!" said Peter as he withdrew his hand, and the trunk disappeared. "I do believe it's the same one," repeated the lad, "and I shall be all right as long as these 'ere 'nanas last; but when they are done, suppose he comes through to see why the rations have stopped. Well, I must make them last as long as I can; and he's very cool over it, and not in a hurry.

It will please him, and if he will carry us we will eat leaves or grass. Come on, old man. Here you are! Ripe 'nanas, and one of them pumpkin things. What! rather have the pumpkin first?" he continued, as the great trunk curved slowly towards the golden-hued, melon-like fruit. "Can't swallow that all at once, can you? And I don't want to stop and cut it. What! you can? Oh, all right, then.

A merit is peculiar to this guilty, world-defying pair. They seek no friends, obtrude on no external circles, and parade no lying sham before local respectability. It is not so with others. The bench, the forum, the highest places, the dazzling daily displays of rough luxury, are thronged by transformed "Nanas" and resolute climbers of the social trapeze.

Pete ran his hand down his companion's limb from shoulder to wrist. "Well, sir, that's all right." "All right! Why, I feel like a skeleton." "Well, but the bones is all right, sir. You went for ever so long without eating anything at all but water, and there ain't no chew in that; and when you did begin to peck, what's it been? Soaked bread, and 'nanas and pumpkins.

There seeming to be no more objects of interest to detain us at Pulo Nánas, and our chuliahs having already gone on to prepare dinner at Pulo Panjan, we rallied our forces and followed suit.

I believe they already at Pulo Nánas, cooking breakfast; the palanquins are also at the door; and so, if it be the sahibs' pleasure, it is better to start before the sun gets very high."

"The house Nanas all had overload this morning and I won't stand for any of those utility components with Bennie. So I'm taking care of him myself." Bennie chortled and drooled vita-meal at his high-chair, unreprimanded. Ben mustered a faint smile and turned to go dial a shave, cool shower and dress at Robather. That done, he had a bite of breakfast. He felt less than top-sale, but better.

"Well, you see, he hasn't got a Nana always looking after him as you have." "Hasn't he got any Nana?" asked Olly, looking as if he didn't understand how there could be little children without Nanas. "He hasn't got any nurse but his mother, and Mrs. Wheeler has a great deal else to do than looking after him.

It must be a good sign. Well, there's plenty of them," he continued, and he took another, and another. "Not half bad," he went on, "as there's no commissariat coffee. Must leave plenty for Mr Archie, though. But 'nanas don't seem the sort of tack for a poor chap with his complaint.