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Upon this we rode across the valley of stones, and men fired at us from the nullah behind the house, and from the hill behind the nullah, as well as from the roof of the house so many shots that it sounded like a drumming in the hills. Then Sikandar Khan, riding low, said, "This play is not for us alone, but for the rest of the Durro Muts," and I said, "Be quiet.

He did not cover the old man or the fat woman with his rifle. That was not his custom. Some fool of the Durro Muts, being hungry, raised his voice to dispute the order to flee, and before we were in our saddles many shots came from the roof from rifles thrust through the thatch.

"He's dropped into a soft spot he rates best in the percentage card." "Every handicapper tips him to win." "They're all broke because of their knowledge." "The books'll mark him up first choice." "That's why it will be worth while playing the field to beat him." "He's in with a gang of muts to-day, an' he beat some cracker-jacks last time out." "You were hypnotized that day, Mr.

For my child is dead my baba is dead!... I would have come away before; there was no need to stay, the child being dead; but we were far from the rail, and the Durro Muts were as brothers to me, and I had come to look upon Sikandar Khan as in some sort a friend, and he got me a horse and I rode up and down with them; but the life had departed. But once I had pleasure.

As I went into the latter room I heard some one at the wash-stand, which was in the alcove, and on looking I saw Toddie drinking the last of the contents of a goblet which contained a dark-colored mixture. "Ize takin' black medshin," said Toddie; "I likes black medshin awfoo muts." "What do you make it of?" I asked, with some sympathy, and tracing parental influence again.

Once upon a time, as history records, as an excitable Dutch vrouw was wending her way along the banks of this brook, a sudden gust of wind caught up her cap, the pride of her heart, and whisked it into the water beyond reach, whereupon she set up an outcry, "Die muts is in die kill! Die muts is in die kill!" and so it is even unto this day.

She hadn't been at Wren's End a week before she was discovered half-way up the staircase on the outside of the banisters. And when she had been caught and lifted over by a white-faced aunt, explained that it was "muts the most instasting way of going up tairs." When asked how she expected to get to the other side at the top, she giggled derisively and said "ovel."

He was gone scarcely a quarter of an hour when he reappeared again without the dogs, motioned for me to get my gun and follow him. “Tha’s elk signs all bout,” he said, “an’ the muts broke away on a fresh trail. Now you an’ me’ll climb through that draw yonder and hide out on the runway till they drive an elk in gun shot. Come along.”

Tony was already clad in pink pyjamas, which made him look paler than ever. Little Fay, naked as any shameless cherub on a Renaissance festoon, danced across the tiled floor, and, pausing directly in front of her aunt, announced: "I sall mack Ayah as muts as I like." The good-natured Goanese ayah salaamed and, beaming upon her charge, murmured entire acquiescence.

"It was Mophez in the bulrushes, and he didn't have no dreams. That was Jophez." "How d'you know," Fay persisted, "that poor little Mophez had no dleams? Why shouldn't he have dleams same as Jophez?" "It doesn't say so." "It doesn't say he didn't have dleams. He had dleams, I tell you; I know he had. Muts nicer dleams van Jophez." "Let's ask Meg; she'll know." Jan gave a sigh of relief.