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Paulsberg looked out of the window, shivered a little, and murmured: "Drat it, I cannot get anything accomplished these days; this eternal sunshine has played me the scurvy trick of paralysing my imagination. I am in the middle of a descriptive passage about a rainy season, a raw and chilly milieu, and I cannot get anywhere with it." He mumbled maledictions about the weather.

Then he mumbled something about good riddance and shaking the dust from the feet. "I shall shake all the dust from my feet this side of the border line," said Elias. "Your land of Egypt cannot spare any soil." "You are getting away just in time," rasped the usurer. "I have been tolerating you since you got back from jail because I've been too busy to tend to your case."

Jim had come to beg Charity to accept a marriage with an impediment. He had expected a scene when he proposed a flight across the river and a return to Father Knickerbocker with a request for pardon. But her light suggestion of a religious ceremony threw him into confusion. He mumbled: "Is a parson absolutely necessary?" Charity's lips set into a grim line.

Ferrard, but would you mind letting me have my breakfast in my room to-morrow? About nine? Just something simple a canteloupe and some shirred eggs and chocolate?" "Oh no; why, yes, certainly, "mumbled Mrs. Arty, while the table held its breaths and underneath them gasped: "Chocolate!" "A canteloupe!" "Shirred eggs!" "In her room at nine!" All this was very terrible to Mr. Wrenn.

He grasped the fellow's arm and received a violent push that almost knocked him over. Grappling with the rustler, he pulled up the bound hands, in spite of fierce resistance, and there were the long fingers, the sharp wart, the laced wristband. "Here's my man!" he said. "No," hoarsely mumbled the rustler. The perspiration ran down his corded neck; his breast heaved convulsively.

His speech of introduction was now to come, and if I survived that, I might hope to live through my own fireworks. "They've put on their best bibs and tuckers," Corkran mumbled in a stage whisper, as the eight dwellers at our table began to sort themselves for places. Then, in portentous silence he paused till everybody everywhere was seated.

Some did not dare look him in the eye, but mumbled over the same well-learned speech which someone had taught them, and went away. They were the ones Job had befriended in distress.

Don't drive me to it; don't oblige me to tell you things I may regret afterward." The count, by way of answer, mumbled something insulting. Nana became quite pale in her turn. For some seconds she looked at him without speaking. Then in her decisive way: "What would you do if your wife were deceiving you?" He made a threatening gesture. "Well, and if I were to?"

I shook his elbow sharply. "When she starts, now " "You don't seem to understand," he mumbled. "It wouldn't be any use." She had turned now and was making for the ladder with the soundless agility of her race. I grasped McCord's wrist and dragged him after me, the lantern banging against his knees.

Umfraville's kind ways could not restore her; she only hung her head and mumbled when she was asked to show her work, and did not so much as know what was to become of her piece of cross-stitch when it was finished. There was some inquiry after the De la Poers; and Mrs. Umfraville asked if she had found some playfellows among their daughters.