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In the past year she had grown so fond of England that to leave it was a real grief. Yet what detained her? No doubt Henry would pardon her outburst, and go on blustering and muddling into a ripe old age. But what was the good? She had just as soon vanish from his mind. "Are you serious in asking me, Helen? Should I get on with your Monica?" "You would not, but I am serious in asking you."

But an eternal life of the third order; not, thank heaven! an eternity of the meddling and muddling self-conscious Intellect! Every careful reader has noticed the confusedness of Paul's mind and arguments. But also the thing is quite natural.

Judged by English or by German standards, the system, or want of system, employed led them to suppose that success came from 'muddling through. They found that nothing was prepared for their arrival, and no classification of the wounded carried out. But it may be doubted whether the Bulgarian mind does not include some elements of a quality which is really higher than statistical efficiency."

"Come, come . . . it won't kill you. Don't twist about. That must be the third rib, then . . . this is the fourth. . . . You look such a skinny thing, and yet one can hardly feel your ribs. That's the second . . . that's the third. . . . Oh, this is muddling, and one can't see it clearly. . . . I must draw it. . . . Where's my crayon?"

Sue was muddling helplessly in the kitchen, for she was not a good housewife, though she tried to be, and grew impatient of domestic details. "Lord love 'ee, what do ye do that yourself for, when I've come o' purpose! You knew I should come." "Oh I don't know I forgot! No, I didn't forget. I did it to discipline myself. I have scrubbed the stairs since eight o'clock.

Well, the foolish old woman has been muddling her affairs for a long time, speculating here and there without taking any one's advice, and so on; and the result is that she leaves nothing at all. Nancy was mute. 'Less than nothing, indeed. She owed a few hundreds that she had no means of paying.

I did not wish to go to Liverpool because of my two engagements, but Agnes was so insistent on my presence I could not refuse her. Well, perhaps I was wrong to yield to her entreaties." "No, hardly," said Ragnor. "Going on board a big steamer at Liverpool must be a muddling business not fit for two simple women like Agnes Henderson and her maid."

Looking back upon my years of friendship with Forster, there are no incidents that touch my sympathies more keenly than those which relate to his heartfelt grief for Gordon, the great victim of ministerial muddling and administrative incapacity. Everybody knows that Forster was the reverse of a Little Englander. In the days when Mr.

"You would have him deeper dipped in your mad treasons? I think you have done him harm enough." He struck his bell. "Harm?" McBean cried. "Is it harm? You that begat him for the heir to your damned infamy? You that soured him with your husk of a soul and your cold cunning? You that made a dirt-heap of his life to suit your muddling need? You "

Most human progress has been, as Wells expresses it, a mere "muddling through". It has been man's wont to explain and sanctify his ways, with little regard to their fundamental and permanent expediency.