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Morrison on their way, they repaired to a hut which had been got ready for their reception. The former governor of Jenna, who it will be recollected treated the gentlemen composing the last mission so handsomely, died about fifteen months before the arrival of the Landers, and the king of Youriba chose one of the meanest of his slaves as his successor.

If Cary had crept through the Union lines, to reach the side of a helpless little one yes, even in a coat of blue would the Great Tribunal count his deed accursed? Should fearless human love reap no reward beyond the crashing epitaph of a firing squad, and the powder smoke that drifted with the passing of a soul? "No! No!" breathed Morrison. "In God's name, give the man his chance!"

"You will let me know immediately you have definite news?" "Immediately, Miss Thurwell. You may rely upon that. Good-morning!" He closed the door after her, and, returning to his seat, scribbled something on a piece of paper. Then he rang the bell. "Is Morrison about?" he asked the boy. "Been in and gone. Round at the Golden Sun, if wanted."

The "dead man" had not been carried up the ladder; he had climbed up! "Now, Morrison," snapped Nayland Smith, "you have acted wisely thus far. Make a clean breast of it. How much were you paid for the job?" "Twenty pounds, sir" answered the man promptly, "and I'd have done it for less, because I could see no harm in it, the prisoner being dead, and this his last request." "And who paid you?"

He can get all the help he needs at three dollars a week," remarked Ferd, preparing to start up his machine and go ahead, since his object had been accomplished, and he had the peculiar satisfaction of knowing that he had after a fashion put that upstart Dick Morrison down a peg or two even while making himself out to be a generous, forgiving fellow.

"They are your friends, then?" asked Mr. Reynolds, significantly. Willis Ford flushed. It was not to his credit to admit that an acknowledged gambler was his friend, yet he knew that to deny it would make Morrison angry, and perhaps lead him to make some awkward revelations. "I have not known them long, sir," he answered, embarrassed, "but I believe they feel friendly to me.

"Good-by, Morrison," Gary said, as they struck hands. "I can't wish you luck but our hearts are with you as a man." "Thanks, old fellow," said the enemy, as he sprang over the wall "It helps God knows." He caught at his horse's mane and threw himself into the saddle without touching the stirrup, while his voice roared out his command. "Ready, men! Forward!"

'Now you may call for another litre, my lads, and that must be the last; the tide is flowing fast, and we shall be afloat in half an hour, and we have just the breeze we want. What d'ye think, Morrison, shall we have dirt? 'I've been looking just now, and if it were any other month in the year I should say yes; but there's no trusting April, captain.

There were in the faculty several excellent men, one of whom afterward became a colleague of my own in Cornell University, and proved of the greatest value to it. Unfortunately, we of the lower college classes could have very little instruction from him; still there was good instruction from others; the tutor in Greek, James Morrison Clarke, was one of the best scholars I have ever known.

But, do you know, it did seem to me once or twice while we were working over him once or twice when the goin' was pretty bad that his spirit wasn't heaving real hearty into the traces. And, say, ain't that a poor idea for a guy to get into his head? Now ain't it?" And then, as the purport of the rest of Steve's words struck home: "Do you mean you are going to Morrison to have a "