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It is your right to waive examination, in which case I shall send you out to Miwasa Landing for trial. Do you wish to proceed?" "Yes," said Sam. Young Coulson's legal formula failed him here. "Well, what have you got to say for yourself?" he asked quite humanly. As Sam was about to defend himself it suddenly rushed over him what a comic figure he would make, accusing a girl of abducting him.

Let the crew of the york boat have two dug-outs to return home in, and keep the york boat at your place to send down grain and flour later. I have missed the steamboat on her first trip out. I will start to-day by canoe with an Indian. It will take me ten days to cross the lake and go up the Miwasa to the landing and so to town.

Doane and Mr. Gaviller left for the north by stage on the same day. They part company at Miwasa landing; the bride and groom continue north to Moultrie on Lake Miwasa, while Mr. Gaviller goes northwest to Fort Enterprise to settle his affairs, thence to his new post on Great Buffalo Lake. We learn that Mr. Doane is to run the post at Moultrie, while his partner, Mr.

Nick Grylls is a wonderful bright man, wonderful! He's the biggest free-trader in the North country; trades down Lake Miwasa way. Wonderful influence with the natives; does what he wants with them. I tell you there ain't much north of the Landing Nick Grylls ain't in on. Here he comes now! All aboard!"

Their proper names were Henry Stiff and John Mahool, but as Stiffy and Mahooley they were known from Miwasa Landing to Fort Ochre. The shelves of the store were sadly depleted; never was a store open for business with so little in it. A few canned goods of ancient vintages and a bolt or two of coloured cotton were all that could be seen.

"I say there is not'ing for me here. Old man Gaviller all tam mad at us. We don't get along. I say I fink I go east to Lake Miwasa. There is free trade there. Maybe I get work in the summer. When they tell me Ambrose Doane is come, I say this is lucky. I will talk wit' him." "Good," said Ambrose. "Wat you t'ink?" asked Tole, masking anxiety under a careless air.

At the top Old Paul, pulling up his horses, swept his whip with an eloquent gesture over the magnificent prospect lying below. "All the water this side goes to the Arctic," he said. Looking over a wealth of greenery, away below them they saw the mighty Miwasa River coming eastward from the mountains, make its southernmost sweep, and shape a course straight away for the North. The Miwasa river!

Coming back I will have no trouble going up the Miwasa or Musquasepi or across Caribou Lake, because Martin Sellers has steamboats there, and he is independent and friendly to us. They can't stop me on the Spirit River either, because I can build a raft and bring my stuff down. Where they will try to get me is on the portage between Caribou Lake and the Spirit. They will try to tie up the teams.

The firm of Minot & Doane sat on the doorsill of its store on Lake Miwasa smoking its after-supper pipes. It was seven o'clock of a brilliant day in June. The westering sun shone comfortably on the world, and a soft breeze kept the mosquitoes at bay. Moreover, the tobacco was of the best the store afforded; yet there was no peace between the two. They bickered like schoolboys kept indoors.

"How can I help you?" "See me as far as Miwasa Landing," she said simply. "I will then throw myself on the goodness of the Bishop and his wife; and trust to them to take me with them the rest of the way that is, if I wish to go. The Bishop may be able to give me information," she added darkly. "Natalie!" put in Mrs. Mabyn, warningly.