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"Suppose I slip back there and see what he's doing?" asked Tommy. "Can you find your way back to headquarters alone?" asked Sandy. "If I can't," asserted Tommy, "I won't be sending any wireless messages to you! If you think I'm likely to get lost, Dick can go back with me. He ought to know every corner in the old mine." "Sure he does!" laughed Jimmie.

It is well to notice that some large liners have already a staff of three operators. Submarine signalling apparatus There are occasions when wireless apparatus is useless as a means of saving life at sea promptly. One of its weaknesses is that when the ships' engines are stopped, messages can no longer be sent out, that is, with the system at present adopted.

The first bouquet we ever had on our table was a few little sunflowers in an old peach can wrapped round with a newspaper. You didn't answer my question. Why did Horace go so far away?" The servant took the vase carefully and placed it as commanded. Then he turned to Virginia with a face full of intense feeling. "Miss Virgie, I done carry messages for him all my days."

Her father had charged her with many messages to the faithful old servant, and so had her aunt. She felt ashamed to think that she had been several hours in the house without delivering them. Rose's room was close to hers. She went out, and knocked softly at the door.

"Warriors, I am glad you have so quickly understood my messages, but when does a Comanche turn his back on receiving the vermilion from his chief? Never! you know I called you for war, and you have come; 'tis well. Yet, though I am a chief, I am a man. I may mistake; I may now and then strike a wrong path. I will do nothing, attempt nothing, without knowing the thoughts of my brave warriors.

He rose again and proceeded. on entering his house, his people formed a lane; he slipped this paper, unperceived, into the hand of a confidential valet de chambre, who waited for him at the door of his apartment." This story is scarcely credible; it is not at the moment of a prisoner's arrest, when an inquisitive crowd surrounds and watches him, that he can stop and write secret messages.

If there were any German wireless men in the neighborhood they could also get these messages. Pyke could hear the Germans working on their lines but could not get their code. As I hopped over to see who wanted me, and crawled into the telephone hole in the ground a shell came whizzing past and ripped the earth from the parapet about a foot above Pyke's head.

Val's eyelids drooped and he found himself thinking dreamily of a hammock under the trees, a pillow, and long hours of lazy dozing. At the same time a corner of his brain was sending forth nagging messages that they should be up and off, back to their own proper world. But he simply did not have the will power to get up and go.

He's brighter than I am, and that's why they put him between the two ends. He can see that the messages are transmitted more fully and more correctly, in a way to please possible subscribers." "Sort of copy editor," suggested Albert. "Yes, something of that sort, I fancy," said Stedman.

She was glad when the train steamed off with this too happy lover, and promised to deliver all kinds of unnecessary messages to the girl George had left behind him. 'But let them be happy while they can, murmured Miss Whichello, as she tripped back through the town. 'Poor souls, if they only knew what I know.