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Mervyn was not long in answering: "I comprehend your fears and your wishes. I am bound to tell you the truth. To this person your story has already been told. Whatever I have witnessed under your roof, whatever I have heard from your lips, have been faithfully disclosed to him." The countenance of Welbeck now betrayed a mixture of incredulity and horror.

It would be impossible to convey any idea of the countless assiduities and the secret delight with which young Mervyn attended their rambles. The party were assembled at supper. What a contrast did this cheerful, happy unutterably happy gathering, present, in the mind of Rhoda, to the dull, drear, fearful evenings which she had long been wont to pass at Gray Forest.

Now, in confidence of pardon, I will tell you; this Mervyn, not content with all you have hitherto granted him, has dared to love you; nay, to think of you as of his wife!" Her eye sunk beneath mine, and, disengaging her hands, she covered her face with them. "I see my fate," said I, in a tone of despair. "Too well did I predict the effect of this confession; but I will go and unforgiven."

Mervyn, without a moment's hesitation, leaving the candle standing on the passage table, drew the bolts, opened the door, and in rushed Irons, in a furious gust, his cloak whirling about his head amidst a bitter eddying of snow, and a distant clapping of doors throughout the house. The door secured again, Mr.

A bundle was found one night in the street, consisting of some coarse clothes, and containing, in the midst of it, the miniature portrait of Mrs. Wentworth's nephew. It fell into the hands of one of that lady's friends, who immediately despatched the bundle to her. Mervyn, in his interview with this lady, spied the portrait on the mantel-piece.

I asked, with very different feelings to those with which I had timidly approached the same subject with Alan. Lucy was not a Mervyn, and not a person to inspire awe under any circumstances. My instincts were right again, for she turned away with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "I have no idea," she said.

Meanwhile, on leaving the prison, I hasted to inform Mervyn of the true nature of the scene which had just passed. By this extraordinary occurrence, the property of the Maurices was now in honest hands. Welbeck, stimulated by selfish motives, had done that which any other person would have found encompassed with formidable dangers and difficulties.

No wonder that he was for a while silent, stunned, and bewildered. At last he was able pale and cold to lift up his clasped hands, his eyes, and his heart, in awful gratitude, to the Author of Mercy, the Revealer of Secrets, the Lord of Life and Truth. 'And where is this Charles Archer is he dead or living? urged Mervyn with an awful adjuration. 'Ay, where to catch him, and how Dead?

He was determined, therefore, to take no rejection unless from the young lady herself, believing that the heavy misfortunes of his painful wound and imprisonment were direct injuries received from the father, which might dispense with his using much ceremony towards him. How far his scheme had succeeded when his nocturnal visit was discovered by Mr. Mervyn, our readers are already informed.

Mervyn; and to expand what is there stated into further explanation, would be to abuse the patience of our readers. We shall, therefore, proceed with our promised extracts from Miss Mannering's letters to her friend. Sixth Extract. I have seen him again, Matilda seen him twice.