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Brantôme may have allowed his imagination to run away with him; but the good influence of Agnes must have been acknowledged in her own time and later, or Francis I would not have written of her: "'Plus de louange son amour s'y mérite Étant cause de France recouvrer!" "And I, for my part, don't believe a word of it!" said Miss Cassandra emphatically.

And if he had anything in him that carried appearance of merite of praise, yet being thoroughly weighed and sounded, it was found farther off from vertue than vice.

I have heard of him before as being well in the running towards an ordre pour le merite. An interesting chart is hanging in the wardroom, on which is marked the last resting-place of every ship he has sunk.

M. Cachalot had not read either Grampus or Merman, but he heard of their dispute in time to insert a paragraph upon it in his brilliant work, L'orient au point de vue actuel, in which he was dispassionate enough to speak of Grampus as possessing a coup d'oeil presque français in matters of historical interpretation, and of Merman as nevertheless an objector qui mérite d'être connu.

Lensch has only one step more to take, and he will certainly gain the highest German order pour le mérite. The famous Communist manifesto of Marx and Engels concludes with the words: "Proletarians of all lands, unite!" It is much to be desired that Dr.

C'est le seul titre en sa faveur Et c'est le vrai merite. Que Grammont tonne contre toi, La chose est naturelle. Elle voudrait donner la loi Et n'est qu' une mortelle; Il faut, pour plaire au plus grand roi, Sans orgueil etre belle.*

"J'ai perdu ma maitresse, Sans l'avoir merite, Pour un bouquet de roses Que je lui refusai. Li ya longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai!" She fell abruptly silent, and spoke no more until she descended to the council-room where the table was now spread for dinner. Two silver candlesticks lit the place.

I recollect one particularly painful scene, where the King, weeping bitterly, flung himself across his writing-table and with trembling hands tried to wrench from his neck his order Pour le Mérite. I can affirm without any exaggeration that I could see him wasting away under the ceaseless moral blows dealt to him, and that the mental torment he went through undoubtedly shortened his life.

Royston did not seem in the least inclined to smile; had he done so Armand would have been bitterly disappointed. As it was, he answered very coldly, without a shade of consciousness on his face. "Un compliment mérite toujours des remercimens, M. le Vicomte, même quand on ne le comprend pas. Pardon, si je vous engage, de ne pas expliquer plus clairement votre allégorie."

"Lord Estridge: but you know him he has been often here." "Is he rich?" said Lady Davenant. "Oh yes, very rich, and very self-sufficient: he is the man Cecilia used to call 'Le prince de mon merite." "Did she? I do not remember. He made no impression on me, nor on you, I dare say." "Not the least, indeed." "No matter, he will do as well as another, since he is rich.