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One correspondent assured me only this month that he had papers in his possession showing beyond a doubt that I might claim a certain King McDougal of Scotland for an ancestor. I have misgivings, however, as to the quality of the royal blood in my veins, for the same correspondent was equally confident six months ago that my people came in direct line from Charlemagne.

"You will remember that one of the students, McDougal, was sent on board of the ship, this morning," Mr. Hamblin began, though he was utterly disgusted because he was obliged to make his complaint in the presence of Paul. "I remember it." "The offence which that boy committed was against me personally. As he explained the case to me, and made a very humble apology, I was willing to forgive him.

"He's only a boy," answered Mr. Hamblin, in whom this plain talk seemed to create a doubt in regard to his conduct. "Any boy has the right to be treated like a gentleman when he behaves like one, even if his opinion does not agree with our own; and especially is this true of the captain." "He was utterly lacking in judgment. The conduct of McDougal was a personal matter, and Mr.

He wanted the decision made upon his statement; and it appeared like an insult to him to ask a student for his version of the affair after the instructor had spoken. "When I was informed that McDougal had directed the hose-pipe at Mr.

Joel B. McDougal on it than to put on two pairs of McDougal's socks first, and them pull away at his shoes and wrap my legs in newspapers to keep my skirts from slushin' of 'em. I'd a heap rather done that. But a lot of life ain't what we'd rather. It's what is. And my grandmother always told me there warn't nothin' in life what showed the stock you come from as the way you took what come to you.

A band of Mormon-haters ravaged the county, burning houses, barns, and grain stacks, and driving unprotected Mormon settlers into Nauvoo. To put an end to this state of affairs, Governor Ford sent Judge Douglas and Attorney-General McDougal, with a force of militia under the command of General Hardin, into Hancock County.

He told her they'd made up their minds to get married and when she calmed down she'd be much obliged to him for going with them and seeing it was well done. She was too raging for him to say much, and he didn't stay long, so I was told." Mrs. McDougal wiped her mouth.

Won't you forgive me?" pleaded McDougal, still upon his knees. "What does all this mean?" demanded Pelham, who was officer of the deck, as he rushed to the spot from the topgallant forecastle, where he had gone to keep out of the way of the splashing waters. "O, Mr. Pelham," groaned the hoseman, "I am so sorry!"

"This is me, Peggy McDougal, who lives in Milltown," she went on, talking to herself, "but right now feeling like she might be in heaven. My! but I'm glad I ain't, though, 'cause there mightn't be anybody in heaven I know, and this place where Miss Mary Cary lives is happy enough for me. Muther say I'd been dead and buried before this if'n it hadn't been for Miss Mary. I reckon I would.

McDougal, the present Commissioner of Crown Lands, appears ready to recommend the gradual, but rapid, construction of roads throughout this territory, and onwards to that of the Hudson's Bay Company. Possibly you may consider the suggestion which I made in reference to obtaining an independent outlet to Lake Superior, in the direction of Superior City, as well worthy of consideration.