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"The spirit of emulation roused both of us to make extraordinary efforts to second our worthy master's endeavours: and this did not, as is usually the case, proceed from rivalry it arose entirely from a desire of the one to stand well in the estimation of the other.

But it has humbug you have no humbug, Jacobina. On the faith of a man, Jacobina, you be better than the world! baugh! You takes care of your own interest, but you takes care of your master's too! You loves me as well as yourself. Few cats can say the same, Jacobina! and no gossip that flings a stone at your pretty brindled skin, can say half as much.

The first result of the new doctrine, and the most important for our investigations, came to light in the execution of classical music. I have, for instance, hitherto not found any traces that those later pianoforte works of Beethoven, in which the master's peculiar style is best developed, have actually been studied and played by the converts to that doctrine.

I answer, because in Missouri, and as far as I have any knowledge of slavery in the other States, the religious teaching consists in teaching the slave that he must never strike a white man; that God made him for a slave; and that, when whipped, he must not find fault, for the Bible says, "He that knoweth his master's will, and doeth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes!"

He was absent about a quarter of an hour; and on his return he informed us in horrified accents that, out of all the officers of the ship, there remained alive only Mr Southcott the master, the gunner, the carpenter, Courtenay, myself and Farmer, the master's mate, who, it appeared, had taken a leading part in the mutiny, and had been elected to the command of the ship.

"But what is your master's malady, Stixon? Surely there might be something done to relieve his violent pain, even if there is no real cure for it?" "No, miss, nothing can be done. The doctors have exorced themselves. They tried this, that, and the other, but nature only flew worse against them.

Crosbie of London's servants; and that he has brought you a letter with his master's compliments, and also a haunch of venison." "Mr. Crosbie's servant!" said Mr. Fairchild, taking the letter and reading it aloud as follows: "DEAR MR. FAIRCHILD, "I and my wife, and my sister Miss Crosbie, and my daughter Betsy, have been taking a journey for our health this summer.

She was waiting while he bought it in the adjoining churchyard sitting on a tombstone, and he could neither let her sit there indefinitely nor dare, so great was her eagerness to have the thing, go back without at least a hope of it. Therefore he would not be sent away. "Your master's in," he retorted, when the maid suggested he should depart, "and I must see him.

Close by is the spot where the three disciples are said to have slept during the night of their Master's agony. We were shown marks on two rocks, said to have been footsteps of these apostles! The footsteps of the third disciple we could not discover. A little to one side is the place where Judas betrayed his Master.

So they built a fine wide road to the home of the famous writer, a work which they disliked but which their love for Stevenson enabled them to accomplish. They called it "The Road of the Loving-Heart." Once when his favorite body-servant, Sosimo, had anticipated some of his master's wants and Stevenson had complimented him with, "Great is the wisdom!"