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It does not fall within my plan to speak of the devotion of the three hours of agony, practised on this day in many churches, as at the Gesù, S. Lorenzo in Damaso etc. or of that which is practised after the Ave Maria at S. Marcello, Caravita etc. or of the elegies recited by the Arcadian pastors over their Redeemer.

Assert yourself, Marcello! Be a man! You cannot be ordered about like a child by any woman, not even if she has saved your life, not even if she loves you to distraction. You have a right to a will of your own." "I know. And yet oh, I wish I knew what I ought to do!" "Think over all I have said, and you will see that I am right," said Folco, rising from the table.

Thus ended this terrible affair, which brought, it is said, good credit and renown to the lords of Venice through all nations of the civilised world. It only remains to be added that Marcello Accoramboni was surrendered to the Pope's vengeance and beheaded at Ancona, where also his mysterious accomplice, the Greek sorceress, perished.

They have their innocent little mysteries which they keep from us, and we have harmless little secrets which we do not let them know." Folco laughed softly at his own way of putting it, and perhaps because Marcello so easily accepted his point of view. "I see," said the boy. "I wonder whether my mother would not understand that. It seems so simple!"

Marcello wondered whether Aurora would ever meet Regina face to face, and what would happen if he were called upon to choose between the two. He would choose Regina, he said to himself, when he was going down the steep way from the villa to the little house, eager for her touch, her voice, her breath, and feeling in his pocket the key that opened the garden gate.

Four or five ever since my mother bought the land here." "We were mere children," said Aurora, with the dignity of a grown person. "That is all over." "I wish it were not!" Marcello sighed. "How silly you are!" observed Aurora, throwing back her beautiful head. "But then, I am sure I am much more grown up than you are, though you are nineteen, and I am not quite eighteen."

Through the jealousy of Diana Brancaccio, one of her ladies in waiting, who is described as "hot-tempered and tawny-haired," the fair duchess was doomed to a sad fate, and all on account of the handsome Marcello Capecce, who had been her most ardent suitor. In Mrs.

Whereupon Taddeo, who had finished another apartment of rooms at Caprarola, and had carried almost to completion the chapel in S. Marcello, proceeded to give his attention to the work of the Trinita, much at his leisure, and to execute the Passing of Our Lady, with the Apostles standing about the bier.

It had never occurred to Marcello that he might have to fight for anything, and if some one had told him on that spring morning that he was on the very verge of a desperate struggle for existence against overwhelming odds, he would have turned his bright eyes wonderingly to the prophet of evil, asking whence danger could come, and trying to think what it might be like.

The Signora Corbario had not appeared yet, but the Contessa was already out. As a rule the Signora preferred to have her coffee in her room, as if she were in town. For some time no one spoke. "Had we not better send Ercole to find Marcello?" the Contessa asked at last. "I had to send Ercole to Porto d'Anzio this morning," Corbario answered.