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It was Manning, the real estate man, who sprung the new proposition. "That fool inventor Nevins," says he, "insists that if we can give him two weeks more and raise twenty-five thousand, he can perfect his machine and start manufacturing. Now if we could only find buyers for half those unsubscribed shares " "Bah!" snorts Fosdick. "Hasn't Woodbury hawked 'em all over town? Why isn't he here now?

Collins inherits the residue practically the entire Whitmore estate!" exclaimed Manning. "What does it mean?" Greig bounded out of his seat as if released by a spring. He stood a moment as if to fling out a loud cry of exultation, but the serious expression on the faces of the others checked his ardor.

"Servo suo!" said Jessica, as they stood at the door. "Bon di, Patron!" responded Larry in Venetian fashion; then as the door closed behind them he said to John Manning, "Seems to me you were in a hurry! You could have had that glass for half the money." "Perhaps I could," was Manning's quiet reply, "but I was eager to get it back at once." "Get it back? Why, it wasn't stolen from you, was it?

The Dutch banners soon waved from the ramparts, cheered by the acclaim of the conquerors. Captain Manning was, in his turn, as severely censured by the people of the English colonies in America, and by the home government, as Governor Stuyvesant had been on the day of his misfortune.

Monday was devoted to a few necessary preparations and a few calls on old friends, among them Col. Vincent, the owner of Ajax. "My dear Frank," said the colonel, kindly, "I feel a strong interest in your welfare, more especially because of the wrong which I do not scruple to say has been done you. What does Mr. Manning say to your plan?" "He makes no objection," said Frank.

Philpot at that time opened and developed the Wertz and Manning Briar Hill coal mines, the furnace having been built with the purpose of smelting iron ore with raw stone coal, being the second constructed for this purpose in the Mahoning Valley, the first being that of Wilkenson, Wilks & Co., at Lowellville.

Astro still hesitated, "I don't know, Manning. I uhh " "By the rings of Saturn! What's going on here?" Suddenly from outside the ring of boys that had gathered around, McKenny came roaring in, bulling his way to the center of the group to face Roger and Astro. "I have a strained wrist, sir," began Roger smoothly.

It was a question whether darkness would favour the crew of the brig, or make her enemies bolder. She at length ceased firing, and manning all her sweeps, she began to move forward, very clearly with the intention of fighting her way out from among the pirates. "She is coming towards us. Hurrah!" cried Jack.

At three o'clock the members of the family, with a few outside friends, gathered in the drawing room. The family solicitor, Mr, Ferret, held in his hand what purported to be the last will of Mrs. Manning. The widowed husband had directed the lawyer to the bureau of the deceased lady as likely to contain her will. It was found without trouble in the topmost drawer.

"I think that we must persuade her to sit for a portrait, Mr. Manning," said Mrs. Arnold, trying to attract her mother's attention from the niche in which she sat carelessly chatting with some acquaintances they had made on their ocean trip. Soon Mrs. Verne found them, and was in ecstacies over her daughter's proposal. "It would be such a nice way to show Madge to advantage.