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Manderson would allow himself the harmless satisfaction, as soon as the time for action had gone by, of pointing out to some Rupert of the markets a coup worth a million to the depredator might have been made.

Bunner, I knew, was a deep sleeper, Mrs Manderson, I had gathered from things I had heard her say, was usually asleep by eleven; I had thought it possible that her gift of sleep had helped her to retain all her beauty and vitality in spite of a marriage which we all knew was an unhappy one.

I had only gone a few steps when I heard the car coming, and then I heard it stop near the gate. I saw Manderson at once. Do you remember my telling you I had seen him once alive after our quarrel in front of the hotel? Well, this was the time. You asked me if I had, and I did not care to tell a falsehood." A slight groan came from Trent. He drank a little wine, and said stonily: "Go on, please."

There's a plan of burglary, say a couple of men in it and Martin squared. They know where the plate is, and all about the handy little bits of stuff in the drawing-room and elsewhere. They watch the house; see Manderson off to bed; Martin comes to shut the window, and leaves it ajar, accidentally on purpose.

'Perfectly, sir, replied Martin gravely. 'I have no hesitation in telling you what I have already told the inspector. Mr. Manderson was, considering his position in life, a remarkably abstemious man.

I begin this, my third and probably my final despatch to the Record upon the Manderson murder, with conflicting feelings.

But it seemed to me that it could not affect his plan at all, and I will tell you why. The week before, when I had gone up to London to carry out various commissions, including the booking of a berth for Mr George Harris, I had drawn a thousand pounds for Manderson from his bankers, and all, at his request, in notes of small amounts.

"Well, Célestine, I am very much obliged to you." He re-opened the door to the outer bedroom. "It is nothing, monsieur," said Célestine, as she crossed the small room. "I hope that monsieur will catch the assassin of Monsieur Manderson.... But I not regret him too much," she added with sudden and amazing violence, turning round with her hand on the knob of the outer door.

I assure you that every horrible possibility of the situation for me had rushed across my mind the moment I saw Manderson fall. I became cunning. I knew what I must do. I must get back to the hotel as fast as I could, get in somehow unperceived, and play a part to save myself. I must never tell a word to any one. Of course I was assuming that Marlowe would tell everyone how he had found the body.

'I feel as if I had led you into saying more than you meant to say, or than I wanted to learn, he said slowly. 'But there is one brutal question which is the whole point of my enquiry. He braced his frame like one preparing for a plunge into cold waters. 'Mrs Manderson, will you assure me that your husband's change toward you had nothing to do with John Marlowe? And what he had dreaded came.