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She twined her magn lovingly around his waist, and a strong current of confidence and well-being instantly coursed through his veins. "Thanks, Joiwind! But am I not weakening you?" "Yes," she replied, with a quick, thrilling glance. "But not much and it gives me great happiness." Presently they met a fantastic little creature, the size of a new-born lamb, waltzing along on three legs.

Directly he did so, he realised that he had been tricked, and that this ride had been planned for one purpose only to inflame his desires. The third arm possessed a function of its own, of which hitherto he had been ignorant. It was a developed magn. But the stream of love which was communicated to it was no longer pure and noble it was boiling, passionate, and torturing.

His poigns explored actively the inward nature of everything in his immediate vicinity. His magn touched Joiwind, and drew from her person a stream of love and joy. And lastly by means of his breve he exchanged thoughts with her in silence. This mighty sense symphony stirred him to the depths, and throughout the walk of that endless morning he felt no more fatigue.

Finally deciding that Oceaxe's advice was good, he applied the drude first to his magn, and then to his breve. He experienced a cauterising sensation a feeling of healing pain. Maskull's second day on Tormance dawned. Branchspell was already above the horizon when he awoke. He was instantly aware that his organs had changed during the night.

And that magn too is worse than useless." "You probably know what you are talking about, Oceaxe. But what do you advise me to do?" She negligently pointed to the light-emitting stone lying on the ground. "There is the solution. If you hold that drude to your organs for a good while, perhaps it will start the change, and perhaps nature will do the rest during the night. I promise nothing."

His fleshy breve was altered into an eyelike sorb; his magn had swelled and developed into a third arm, springing from the breast. The arm gave him at once a sense of greater physical security, but with the sorb he was obliged to experiment, before he could grasp its function.

"This we call the 'magn," she said, indicating her tentacle. "By means of it what we love already we love more, and what we don't love at all we begin to love." "A godlike organ!" "It is the one we guard most jealously," said Joiwind. The shade of the trees afforded a timely screen from the now almost insufferable rays of Branchspell, which was climbing steadily upward to the zenith.

It was like a small jewel, throwing off sparks of red light. He barely threw a glance at that, however. The woman was clothed in the large skin of an animal. She had big, smooth, shapely limbs, rather muscular than fat. Her magn was not a thin tentacle, but a third arm, terminating in a hand. Her face, which was upturned, was wild, powerful, and exceedingly handsome.

He was still a young man, but so stern were his features that he had the appearance of a lawgiver, and this in spite of their great beauty and harmony. His magn and Joiwind's intertwined for a single moment and Maskull saw his face soften with love, while she looked exultant. She put him in her husband's arms with gentle force, and stood back, gazing and smiling.

The moment she got in, Joiwind fell down in exhaustion. Her husband tended her with calm concern. He bathed her face, put drink to her lips, energised her with his magn, and finally laid her down to sleep. At the sight of the noble woman thus suffering on his account, Maskull was distressed. Panawe, however, endeavoured to reassure him.