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Updated: January 16, 2025
M'Slime; I trust I am a Christian woman, as he says, and for a Christian woman to continue you, as her attorney, would be, I fear, to encourage hypocrisy and sin; and I feel that it would not be permitted to me to do so, unless I abuse my privileges." "Heigho," thought Solomon, "here am I punished, as it were, in my own exact phraseology; verily, the measure is returning unto me." "Well, Mrs.
"What has happened your face? you are sadly abused!" "A small taste o' parsecution, sir, which the Lord put into Father M'Cabe's horsewhip heart I mane to give me, bekaise I renounced his hathenism, and came into the light o' thruth may He be praised for it!" Here followed an upturning of the eyes after the manner of M'Slime.
"Now, M'Clutchy," said M'Loughlin, "I could overlook all your dishonesty and treacherous misrepresentation of me to Lord Cumber your attempt to oust us out of our farms, and to put your son and M'Slime in our places your suppressing the fact, besides that we offered a thousand pounds apiece for a renewal your whispering away our commercial reputation, and thereby bringing us in the end to ruin all that, I say, I could overlook and forgive; but for your foul and cowardly attempt to destroy the fair fame of our spotless child for that, sir, in which, thank heaven, you failed, I now say, I trust, with honest pride, and tell you face to face if you had only the manliness to look in mine that I feel this to be the hour of my triumph but not of my vengeance, for I trust I am a Christian man."
When all was over, M'Slime, who had brought with him a sheaf of tracts for their spiritual sustenance, saw, from the deeply tragic character of the proceedings, that he might spare himself the trouble of such Christian sympathy as he wished to manifest for their salvation.
And now, O'Drive, a word with you: I have fully discovered your treachery to both M'Clutchy and M'Slime; you were a willing agent in carrying out their hard and heartless excesses. You were, in truth, a thorough bailiff, without conscience, feeling, or remorse.
Solomon M'Slime was a man in whose heart the two principles kept their constant residence; indeed so beautifully were they blended, that his law might frequently be mistaken for religion, just as his religion, on the other hand, was often known to smack strongly of law.
Are your views as clear as ever? are you supported I mean inwardly, for that is the only true support after all?" "Thrath, Mr. M'Slime, I'm afeard to spake, sir, for fraid I'd say either more or less than the truth."
"'Upon my word, Mr. M'Slime, from such a religious gentleman as you are, I didn't expect "'Ah, my dear Eliza, that is coming to the root of the matter, and I am glad to find that you are not insensible to it. On that subject, my sweet girl, and you are a sweet girl it is that I propose to speak with you to commune with you in a spirit, my dear Eliza, of love and affection.
"'No, sir. "'Yes, so I thought, you were saying something will soon pass away. "I thought this dialogue, on the part of M'Slime, too characteristic to be lost. I accordingly stole somewhat near the snuggery, until I got into a position from whence I could see them clearly, without being seen myself.
M'Slime gave me a tract, some time ago, called Spiritual Food for Babes of Grace, and I thought in my own conscience, afther readin' it carefully over, that it applied very much to my condition." "Ah!" said Phil, "what a babe you are! but no matter; I'm glad you have notions of becoming a good sound Protestant; take my word there's nothing like it.
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