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'Oh! a poacher's lurcher? You did right. Fight such fellows with constables. You have seen Lady Charlotte? 'I am on my way to her ladyship. 'Do me this favour. Fourteen doors up the street of her residence, my physician lives. I have to consult him at once. Dr. Rewkes. Weyburn bowed. Lady Charlotte could not receive him later than half-past ten of the morning, he said.

"My dear fellow, you must make allowances for the rough old lurcher. He was a soldier. He is all cut and measured out to the regimental pattern. With him Major Shrike, like the king, can do no wrong. Did I ever tell you he served under me in India? He did; and, moreover, I saved his life there." "In an engagement?" "Worse from the bite of a snake. It was a mere question of will.

You a lurcher? You know how to make your 3 farthins shine, and turn your groats into guineas? Why you're a noodl! A green horn! A queezee quaumee pick thank pump kin! A fine younk lady is willin to come down with the kole, and the hulver headed hulk wants to raise the wind on his own father! You face the philistins! Why they will bite the nose off a your face! Thirty pounds too!

There is, however, a practice which fair sportsmen will never resort to the use of a beagle to start a hare in order to be run down by a brace of greyhounds, or perhaps by a lurcher. The hare is not fairly matched in this way of proceeding. occupies an intermediate station between the beagle and the fox-hound.

He was known to most of the prisoners as "Bread and Water Jack," some called him "Captain Spooney," some "the Lurcher," and others "Mr. Martinet." The patients had just completed their out-of-door exercise, and were standing in file two deep when he first made his appearance.

All in vain nobody ever knew when Black Burke might be returning from his sporting expeditions and that beast of a lurcher would be sure to be creeping in this morning, and would scratch it up, and his brute of a master would get it all! This fancy was the worst possible: and Roger rose again, quite sick at heart, pale, worn, and trembling with a miser's haggard joys.

"If you if you," Ellice said, "had the offer of two dogs, the one splendid, a thoroughbred deerhound, graceful, beautiful, fine to look at, but cold and with no love to give its master, and the other a hideous beast like Rundle's lurcher but a beast who could love and die for its master, and dying lick the hand of the master it loved, glad and grateful to to die for him which would you have, which would you have, Johnny?"

It's all very well, but you see if I don't pay you out after school you sneak you! Master Lurcher. Enter the Knife-boy. Hamper for Briggses! Master Brown. Hurray, Tom Briggs! I'll lend you my knife. If this story does not carry its own moral, what fable does, I wonder?

Little Joey would often take 'Choc' to see his mother on her chain at Teddy's house while the man was put away. And he'd carry the poor creature a tidy bone also when he could get one. And how long that two months was to the lurcher, who shall say?

"Yes; but what's one more in a family doing disobeying things?" answered Pen in her glib fashion. "But now listen. I will tell you." She related her adventures with much glee her walk through the woods, her arrival, the terrible way in which Lurcher had treated her, the kindness of the farmer, the proposed dinner, Nancy's manners.