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Je dors bien, mais comme je suis seul dans mon logement, je deviens tout triste. Je n'ose pas penser du tout a Pre-Charmoy parce que cela me donne une telle envie de te voir que j'en serais malade. Ah! si la force physique voulait seulement repondre a la force morale!

They could sleep as soundly in any of the parks or on the lee side of hogsheads, or on bales of cotton on the quay, after they had enjoyed spending the proceeds of the "billet de logement." The army was now quickly disbanded and Paul found himself once more a citizen. He still retained his uniform, for without it he would have been devoid of clothing.

So they received a document entitled a "billet de logement" that entitled them to a bed in the house on which it was drawn. Sometimes they received an order on the houses in the poorer part of the town and again in the most aristocratic mansions.

"Bonjour, la compagnie!" * said he gaily, smiling and looking about him. * "Good day, everybody!" No one gave any reply. "Vous etes le bourgeois?" * the officer asked Gerasim. * "Are you the master here?" Gerasim gazed at the officer with an alarmed and inquiring look. "Quartier, quartier, logement!" said the officer, looking down at the little man with a condescending and good-natured smile.

They presented billets de logement, requesting to be given possession. We tried to discourage them, assuring them that the rooms contained no conveniences of any kind, not even furniture: but the young men were evidently easily satisfied; they politely but firmly insisted their only wish, they said, being to camp under cover.

+ + | Billet de Logement. | | | | Mme. Bonnard, 131 rue Robert le Frisson, logera les sous-dits, | | savoir: un officier, un sous officier, deux hommes; fournira le lit, | | place au feu et

Wherever we passed a house on the road to Lunéville, and in town itself, as we came in, we saw notices printed and written to remind us that we were in the war-zone, if we forgot for an instant. "Logement militaire," or "Cave voûtée, 200 places 400 places."

This portion is now occupied as a dwelling by the archbishop. At the end of the furthest courtyard is "The House of the Kings," a truly grand establishment, so called in the official documents because it was the logement of the monarchs who visited the city on affairs of state. This recalls to mind not the least notable of the functions performed by the great cathedral itself.

Are you in search of an apartment?" "I have some idea of taking one, but only by the month. I am but just arrived at Paris, and I have business which may keep me here a few weeks. I do but require a bedroom and a small cabinet, and the rent must be modest. I am not a milord." "I am sure we could arrange, Monsieur," said M. Georges, "though I could not well divide my logement.

Are you in search of an apartment?" "I have some idea of taking one, but only by the month. I am but just arrived at Paris, and I have business which may keep me here a few weeks. I do but require a bedroom and a small cabinet, and the rent must be modest. I am not a milord." "I am sure we could arrange, Monsieur," said M. Georges, "though I could not well divide my logement.