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The bridge in question was made of loose tree-trunks thrown across the river and pegged down on either side where the ends rested upon the steep banks. After crossing the log-bridge, Polly led the way towards what seemed to be a veritable wilderness of forest.

Before the second week had arrived he had sought the main stage-road and had begun work on a big hemlock that stood sentinel over a turn in the highway. There was a school-house in the distance and a log-bridge under which the brook plunged. Here he settled himself for serious work.

At length the carriage stopped with a jerk just as they reached the little log-bridge that crossed the creek, and Mr. St. George appeared at the door. "You must all alight a moment," he said. "Here is a break-down; and, moreover, a log of the bridge has been displaced," the last in an aside to Marlboro'.

"This is an ugly bridge over such a dangerous place," said D, as he stood up in the sleigh and urged his tired team across the miserable, insecure log-bridge, where darkness and death raged below, and one false step of his jaded horses would have plunged us into both. I must confess I drew a freer breath when the bridge was crossed, and D congratulated us on our safe arrival in Douro.

Now traversing a ferny space edged in with sweetbrier, a breeze accompanied me, caressing neck and hair, stirring a sudden warmth upon my cheek like a breathless maid close beside me, whispering. Then through the rustle of leafy depths I heard the stream's laughter, very far away, and I turned to the left across the moss, walking more swiftly till I came to the log-bridge where the road crosses.

Though some vow that the little bird sings plainly, "Sweet-sw-eet! Canada, Canada, Canada!" Then for a while I closed my eyes until, slowly, that awakening sense that somebody was looking at me came over me, and I raised my head. Dorothy stood on the log-bridge above the dam, elbows on the rail, gazing pensively at me. "Well, of all idle men!" she said, steadying her voice perceptibly.

I remember it was the last day of May before I saw my cousin Dorothy again. Late that afternoon I had taken a fishing-rod and a book, The Poems of Pansard, and had set out for the grist-mill on the stream below the log-bridge; but did not go by road, as the dust was deep, so instead crossed the meadow and entered the cool thicket, making a shorter route to the stream.

"Sunday evening, going by the jail, the setting sun kindled up the windows most cheerfully; as if there were a bright, comfortable light within its darksome stone wall." "I went yesterday with Monsieur S to pick raspberries. He fell through an old log-bridge, thrown over a hollow; looking back, only his head and shoulders appeared through the rotten logs and among the bushes.

It was still winter in the wilds, and though that made Lisle's work a little easier, because rivers and lakes and muskegs were frozen, he found it sufficiently arduous. He had to survey and break new trails suitable for the conveyance of heavy machinery, up rugged valleys and over high divides, and to arrange for transport canoes here, a log-bridge there, relays of packers farther on.

He knelt down beside Frane, and finally lay right down on his stomach and likewise peered over the side of the log. The log-bridge had been made quite flat on its upper surface with a broadaxe, and all the bark had long since worn off. It was all of thirty feet long, but it was just as firm as the arch of a stone bridge. "There!" whispered Frane. "I saw a flicker then. Yep! He's there!