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The talons of the avenging goddess shall tear the beautiful face, the heart, and the liver of the accursed one! A twofold malediction on her who has wronged the son of my Satabus!" While speaking, her head nodded swiftly up and down, and when at last she bowed it wearily, her visitors heard her murmur the names of Satabus and Hanno, sometimes tenderly, sometimes mournfully.

Do it again, damn your eyes, and I'll cut your liver out." The master was the officer who had charge of the watch to which I was stationed; he was a very rough sailor, who had been brought up in the merchant service, not much of a gentleman in his appearance, very good-tempered, and very fond of grog.

Then followed the slaves, bearing on a large charger the several limbs of a crane besprinkled with much salt, not without flour, and the liver of a white goose fed with fattening figs, and the wings of hares torn off, as a much daintier dish than if one eats them with the loins.

While they awaited the return of the young men with the villagers, the girl made two bundles of meat, one of the best and choicest pieces, and the other of liver, very dry and hard to eat. After a few days the camp arrived. The young woman's mother opened the door and ran in crying: "Oh, my dear daughter, how glad I am to see you."

I have seen parents and masters strike the heads of their children with pieces of wood, of much larger size; in one instance with a common sized tailor's press-board; in another with the heavy end of a wooden whip-handle, about an inch in diameter. Children are sometimes severely beaten across the middle of the body the region where lie the vital organs the lungs, the heart, the liver, &c.

The captain had cooked the evening meal and spread the cloth with great care, and when Florence appeared he dressed for dinner, by taking off his glazed hat and putting on his coat. That done, he wheeled the table against her on the sofa, said Grace, and did the honors of the table. "My Lady Lass," said he, "Cheer up, and try to eat a bit. Stand by, dearie! Liver wing it is. Sarse it is.

You've been lookin' altogether too sober, and you don't eat nothin' to speak of. It must be either liver, or conscience, or heart." Secretly, she strongly suspected a cardiac affection, of the romantic variety. She intended to investigate. Donald laughed as he replied: "Perhaps it's all three together; but I'm all right. There's nothing the matter with me. Every man has his blue days, you know."

I killed him because he was unfit to live because he was a blackmailer of women, an unclean liver, a foul thing upon the face of the earth." "It's a damned lie!" the girl hissed. "He was good to me, and you shall swing for it!" The Colonel looked genuinely distressed. "I am afraid," he said, "that you are prejudiced. If he was, as you say, kind to you, it was for his own pleasure.

As a further remedy for sleeplessness he would reduce his food by half, and would anoint his thighs, the soles of his feet, the neck, the elbows, the carpal bones, the temples, the jugulars, the region of the heart and of the liver, and the upper lip with ointment of poplars, or the fat of bear, or the oil of water-lilies.

I have also given half a pint of good olive or almond oil as an emetic during the painful fit, and repeated it in half an hour, if the first did not operate, with frequent good effect. Another disease of the liver, which I have several times observed, consists in the inability or paralysis of the secretory vessels.