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Journal of Medical Research, No. 2, November, 1914. Ziehen. Psychiatrie, Vierte Auflage, 1911. Wernicke. Grundriss der Psychiatrie, 2 Auflage, 1906. Kraepelin. Psychiatrie, Achte Auflage, I Band, 1909. Binswanger. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, Dritte Auflage, 1911. Ballet. Traite de Pathologie Mentale, 1903. New York, N. Y., May 5, 1915

When I turned to the composition of historical novels, I desired to ascertain if the historical method had been reduced to a system. I read Lucian's Instructions for Writing History, an essay with the same title, or with a very similar one, by the Abbe Mably, some essays by Simmel, besides a book by a German professor, Ernst Bernheim, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode.

In the second place, the teaching of the Lehrbuch is sound enough, but lacks vigour and originality. Lastly, the Lehrbuch is not addressed to the general public; both the language in which it is written and the form in which it is composed render it inaccessible to the great majority of French readers.

An Italian saint whose festival is observed on February 5th, whose worship flourishes especially in South Italy and Sicily, and whose historical existence is doubtful. See pp. 133 ff. Luther has mistaken the chapter. For the various interpretations of the "communion of the saints" among mediæval theologians, See Reinh. Seeberg, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 1st ed., vol. ii, p.127, note.

But by far the most conspicuous teacher of our generation, in two at least of these particular fields, has been Harnack. In his lifelong labour upon the sources of Christian history, he had come upon this question of the canon again and again. In his Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 1887-1890, 4te. Aufl., 1910, the view of the canon, which was given above, is absolutely fundamental.

This is enough to justify our undertaking to write a book of our own, instead of simply recommending the book of Professor Bernheim. This "Introduction to the Study of History" does not claim, like the Lehrbuch der historischen Methode, to be a treatise on historical methodology. It is a sketch in outline.

Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., V. 66. For an exhaustive treatment of Luther's attitude to immersion, sprinkling, and pouring, see Krauth, Conservative Reformation, 519-544. For formulas, see Höfling, Das Sacrament der Taufe, II. 40. Riechschel, Lehrbuch der Liturgik, II, 67 f. "If Infant Baptism were not right, then for one thousand years there was no baptism and no Christian Church," Erl.

Numerous examples, which might easily be augmented, of such profound differences, are furnished by Leydig's 'Lehrbuch der Histologie. In the Crustacea the ovarian eggs actually sometimes furnish excellent characters for the discrimination of species of the same genus; thus, for example, in one Porcellana of this country they are blackish-green, in a second deep blood-red, and in a third dark yellow; and within the limits of the same order they present considerable differences in size, which, as Van Beneden and Claus have already pointed out, stands in intimate connexion with the subsequent mode of development.

His works, Die Christliche Lehre von der Vereöhnung, 1838, Die Christliche Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit und Menschwerdung Gottes, 1841-1843, his Lehrbuch der Christlichen Dogmengeschichte, 1847, together constitute a contribution to which Harnack's work in our own time alone furnishes a parallel. Baur had begun his thorough biblical studies before the publication of Strauss' book.

One speaks with reserve of the living, but surely no man of our generation has done more to make the history of which we write. Harnack's epoch-making work was his Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 1886-88, fourth edition, 1910. The book met, almost from the moment of its appearance, with the realisation of the magnitude of that which had been achieved.