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Brénot, De l'influence de la copulation pendant la grosseisse, 1903. Bianchi terms this fairly common condition the neurasthenia of pregnancy. Vinay, Traité des Maladies de la Grossesse, 1894, pp. 51, 577; Mongeri, "Nervenkrankungen und Schwangerschaft." Allegemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, bd. LVIII, Heft 5.

It is moreover noteworthy that the majority of authors who trace the inversion to bisexuality assume this factor not only for the inverts but also for those who have developed normally, and justly interpret the inversion as a result of a disturbance in development. Psychiatrie u. A Dr. See also the same Jahrbuch, Bd.

Journal of Medical Research, No. 2, November, 1914. Ziehen. Psychiatrie, Vierte Auflage, 1911. Wernicke. Grundriss der Psychiatrie, 2 Auflage, 1906. Kraepelin. Psychiatrie, Achte Auflage, I Band, 1909. Binswanger. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, Dritte Auflage, 1911. Ballet. Traite de Pathologie Mentale, 1903. New York, N. Y., May 5, 1915

S. Freud Totem und Tabu 1913. E. Kraepelin Vergleichende Psychiatrie. Centralblatt f. Nervenheilk. U. Psychiatrie. Bd. XV. July, 1904. The Ohio State University THE first case here reported came to the notice of the writer through the attending physician; the second case was reported by the father of the child after the attending physician had failed of satisfactory treatment.

At this statement M. Garofalo manifests a surprise which, as I can not suppose it simulated, I declare truly inexplicable in a sociologist and a criminologist; for this reminds me too strongly of the ignorant surprise shown by a review of classical jurisprudence in regard to a new scientific fact recorded by the Archives de psychiatrie of M. Lombroso, the case being the disappearance of every criminal tendency in a woman after the surgical removal of her ovaries.