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Updated: August 5, 2024

He was much too good for the world and he looked so sad "just like young Watkins of the 'Crown' over the way who died a month ago, and his poor dear skin was white as alablaster; least-ways they say he shot hisself. They took him from the Mortimer, I met them just as I was going with my Rose to get a pint o' four ale, and she had her arm in splints.

"Mary's gettin' over it tu," he said, "least-ways I think she is. Her knaws wheer to look for comfort, bless her. Us must all keep friendly for life's not long enough to do 'nough good in, I allus says, let alone the doin' o' bad."

Whereupon, very suddenly, Adam appeared, bare-armed from the stables, who, looking from Bellew's radiant face to Miss Anthea's shy eyes, threw back his head, vented his great laugh, and was immediately solemn again. "Miss Anthea," said he, wringing and twisting at his hat, "or I think I should say, Mrs. Belloo mam, there ain't no word for it! least-ways not as I know on, nohow.

"To come to Beaver Beach, do you mean?" asked Ariel, leaning forward. "Yes, ma'am. It all begun out there, least-ways it begun before that with me. It was all my fault. I deserve all that's comin' to me, I guess. I done wrong I done wrong! I'd oughtn't never to of went out there yesterday."

Least-ways it was one of those roads leading to a bridge because I remember it made me think of the river." "Extremely satisfactory! At what hour did this Mrs. Smith or Jones, from Westminster or Blackfriars, come?" inquired Lady Belgrade. "Just as her grace went up to her room to change her dress. She had just finished changing it when the woman was admitted."

I'll be bound that, if she ever was married, she was married when she was sixteen or seventeen. They are always obliged to marry those French girls when they are nothing but chits, I've been told those of them, least-ways, that don't live with men without being married. That would make her about forty, and then he found her out and left her, and she went back to Paris and learned dressmaking."

"It's always open," answered Varner. "Least-ways, it's been open, like that, all this spring, to my knowledge." "What is there behind it?" inquired Mitchington. "Sort of gallery, that runs all round the nave," replied Varner. "Clerestory gallery that's what it is. People can go up there and walk around lots of 'em do tourists, you know.

When North had again related the story of his finding the child, Trinidad Joe pondered. "It mout hev been stowed away in one of them crates for safe-keeping," he said, musingly, "and washed off the deck o' one o' them Tahiti brigs goin' down fer oranges. Least-ways, it never got thar from these parts." "But it's a miracle its life was saved at all. It must have been some hours in the water."

"What do you mean?" she asked, adding in a half-bantering tone: "Is it haunted?" "Oh, Alice!" objected Ruth, shaking out her skirt so it would hang down a little longer, for the girls rode side-saddle. "No, Miss, it ain't exactly haunted," replied Baldy. "But it ain't a safe place to go least-ways, not all alone." "But why?" persisted Alice.

My voice was wearily protesting. "The one thing men don't want women to do is to understand. They want us to be sweet and pretty and not understand. Selwyn talks as if I were a child. I am perfectly able to take care of myself." "Maybe you are, but you don't do it least-ways, not always. I promised him I wouldn't let you wear yourself out, and I promised him " "What?"

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