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"Done used de lastest one in dem muffins." "Then we'll make the boat fast here," decided Mr. Bobbsey. "With your corn muffins, Dinah, and the fish Will gave us, we'll have a fine supper. As soon as the boat is fast you and Harry can clean the fish, Bert." Beyond the broad expanse which lay between the wide meadows, the creek had narrowed again opposite the farmhouse and barn.

I got over three hundred dollars right here in my pocket." "But I don't quite understand about the man your husband " "Yep, my lastest one. Didn't you know I married ole man Auberry? He's 'round here somewheres, lookin' fer a drink o' licker, I reckon. Colonel Meriwether 'lowed there'd be some fightin' 'round these parts afore long.

Tell my father that an' ask him to forgive me if he can. That wuz all she said. Ranse Roush hit her horse with a switch an' sez, 'Yo' kin tell him all that yore own self soon as you git home. I reckon I wuz the lastest person she spoke to alive." They left the old woman staring after them with her mouth open. It could have been only a few minutes later that they reached Quicksand Creek.

"Have you been taking good care of mother and seeing that Uncle Billy does his plowing right?" "Yes, sir," came the prompt response. "Susan Jemima an' me have been lookin' after everything but we had to eat up General Butler!" "General Butler," cried her father, astounded. "Yes, Daddy our lastest calf.

In a military estimate it proved that forts constructed on the lastest scientific principles, but unsupported by an intrenched field army, crumple under the concentrated fire of long-range, high-power enemy guns. The fall of the northern and eastern Liege forts released Von Kluck's army for its march into central Belgium.

The great blue sepulchre of many Gaoses hid its inscrutable mystery, while the breezes, faint as human breath, wafted to and fro the perfume of the stunted gorse, which had bloomed again in the lastest autumn sun.

Have you any more money in your pockets?" "No, sar; I gib you de lastest I got." "Then hurry off to bed and be ready to go to work when I call you." "Well, sar, Marse Marcy," said the boy, plunging his hands into his pockets and swinging himself about the room as if he was in no particular hurry to go to bed, "if you wuk Julius till he plum dead you can't make him tell what he don't know."

Some folks says rum is wrong. Hit ain't. I'll tell ye why. Last night I drinked up my lastest bottle o' that Hundson's Bay rum. Hit war right good rum, an ez I lay lookin' up at the stars, all ter oncet hit come ter me that I was jest exactly, no more an' no less, jest ter the ha'r, ez drunk I was on the leetle spree with Kit at Laramie. Warn't that fine? An' warn't hit useful?