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Dinky-Dunk sat staring at me with a wry though slightly woebegone face. "Look here, Lady-Bird, all this sort of thing takes 'rhino, which means ready money. And where's it going to come from?" "I'll use that six hundred, as long as it lasts," I blithely retorted. "And then we'll get credit." "But my credit is gone," Dinky-Dunk dolorously acknowledged. "Then what's the matter with mine?"

But I am not going to-night. The princess of the castle in the air is engaged to his Excellency the Governor of Virginia for a game of chess. In the mean time here comes my father, who shall entertain your Excellency while Betty and I go for a walk. Come, Lady-bird." The two graceful figures twined arms and moved off down the walk.

"Nothing, dame," said Margaret somewhat pettishly, and changing her posture so as rather to turn her back upon the kind inquirer. "Nothing, lady-bird!" answered Dame Suddlechop; "and do you use to send for your friends out of bed at this hour for nothing?" "It was not I who sent for you, dame," replied the malecontent maiden.

The sound of the shout that answered this harangue shook the thin walls of the chamber in which the prisoners were confined, and they heard with joy the departing tramp of the soldiers. "Eat, your worship, eat!" cried mine host, heartily. "Eat, lady-bird, nothing like eating to kill time and banish care. Fortune of war, Sir John, fortune of war, never be daunted! Up to-day, down to-morrow.

"The lady-bird!" he added. "That handsome, perfumed lady-bird that used to come to see you.... The one from Naples.... The one from Barcelona...." The captain turned pale, first with surprise and then with anger. Freya in Brest!... Her spy work was reaching even here?... Caragol went on with his story.

"La, la," she said, with a whimsical quirk of the head, and no apparent relevancy: "Lady-bird, lady-bird, fly away home, Your house is on fire, and your children all gone." The remedy was good. Tarboe's eyes came again to their natural liveliness, and Bissonnette said: "My throat's like a piece of sand-paper."

But Roque only doubled as he was bid, and took us hither and thither, and back to the nest of his lady-bird, where we left her and the others with grateful regrets, and finally back to the Ensor House, which on this occasion seemed to us the end of all things.

Thus, too, Karlavagn, the 'car of men', or heroes, who rode with Odin, which we call 'Charles' Wain', thus keeping something, at least, of the old name, though none of its meaning, became in Scotland 'Peter's-pleugh', from the Christian saint, just as Orion's sword became 'Peter's-staff'. But what do 'Lady Landers' and 'Lady Ellison' mean, as applied to the 'Lady-Bird' in Scotland?

Indeed, aphides form almost the sole food of the entire lady-bird tribe in their earlier stages of existence; and there is no better way of getting rid of blight on roses and other garden plants than to bring in a good boxful of these active and voracious little grubs from the fields and hedges.

"I reckon that's 'most the only thing you can ask your dad for that he won't give you." He continued unsteadily, looking at the picture in the palm of his hand. "Lady-Bird I called her, son. She used to fill the house with music right out of her heart. . . . Fine as silk and true as gold. Don't you ever forget that your mother was a thoroughbred." His voice broke.