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At that moment a noise outside reached our ears. The door opened, and the fat honest countenance of Tobias Offenloch with his lantern in one hand and his stick in the other, his three-cornered hat on his head, appeared, smiling and jovial, in the opening. "Salut! l'honorable compagnie!" he cried as he entered; "what are you doing here?" "It was that rascal Lieverlé who made all that row.

"Have they all gone?" Lady Newhaven asked, after the little meal was finished, and, with much coaxing, she had drunk a glass of champagne. Angélique assured her they were all gone, the relations who had come to the funeral "Milor Windham and l'Honorable Carson" were the last. They were dining with Miss West, and were leaving immediately after dinner by the evening express.

The hubbub within the chamber did not cease, however, but rather increased, with yells of: "A moi, mes amis! A moi, camarades! A moi, l'honorable champion de l'Eveque de Montaubon! A la recousse de l'eglise sainte!" So shrill was the outcry that both the inn-keeper and Alleyne, with every varlet within hearing, rushed wildly to the scene of the uproar.

Of olive complexion, small cherry mouth and features, yet fine head and person, and smiling benignly, he advanced a step before Chrysler noticed him. "Salut, M'sieu L'Honorable," bowed Haviland. "Good-day, Chamilly," he replied quickly, without ceasing to smile directly towards the other man and holding out his hand. Chrysler looked closer at his features. "Ah, Mr.

Libergent, accompanied by De Bleury, came over at once, for he had a good deal at stake in seeing that Spoon's trial should lead to no unpleasant revelations or consequences to the party. Closeted not more than half an hour he came out and said publicly to l'Honorable, who took seat as Magistrate upon the Bench under the great lion-and-unicorn painting.

The visitors went down into the place and Chrysler saw that the artistic shapes and ideal colors were worn with daily use, the men and women, serene-looking, were still the every day mortals of the region. "I think I have gained a great step in the houses and street," said Haviland. "And the Reveillière is proud of its founder," added l'Honorable.

I am ready to charge the prisoner with having committed a larceny of money from François Le Brun on his journey from Montreal. I sustain it by these initials at the corners of bills just found on the prisoner's person. I am informed " "I object, your Honor," fairly shouted Libergent "I object to any hearsay." "What can you swear to of your own knowledge?" asked l'Honorable of Chrysler, gently.

Chrysler and Genest, after reaching the Manoir, sat conversing under the large triple tree on the side of the lawn. "You have no idea of the simplicity of life here," l'Honorable philosophised. "We dwell as peacefully, in general, and almost as much in one spot as these great trees. After all, is there any condition in which mortal existence is happier than that of pure air and tranquility.

"On that point at least, my dear mademoiselle, there can be no mistake. And yet cousin Jack insists that this stuff will be given to his readers, as views of Europe worthy of their attention." "Ce conte du roi! mais, c'est trop fort!" "With the coat laced at the seams, and the cocked hat!" "Et l'honorable Louis Philippe d'Orleans!" "Orleans, mademoiselle; d'Orleans would be anti-republican."

Chrysler, like a sensible fellow-Member, quite comprehended the situation, and was content to note the admirable way in which his friend did everything; to receive a smile or friendly direction here and there, and to fall back on the attentions of l'Honorable, and the over-zealous Zotique.