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Over it flew the flag of Japan. "They learn ancestor worship and how to kow-tow to the Emperor's picture down there, after they have attended school here," she volunteered. "Poor little tots! Their heads must ache with the amount of instruction they receive.

On the day following that upon which the Heavenly Twins had celebrated the important occasion of their first spontaneous "Kow-tow," as they called it, in the early morning Edith, being still asleep, turned toward the east window of her room, the blind of which was up, and fell into a dream. The sun, as he rose, smiled in upon her.

Granted that it makes no noise, but I have not been willing to take the pains necessary to achieve what may be called guinea-pig review success, because, although I have been in financial difficulties, I did not seriously need success from a money point of view, and because I hated the kind of people I should have had to court and kow-tow to if I went in for that sort of thing.

"Never glance sideways at a man.". "The whole thing in a nutshell!" "Are there no men a woman may trust absolutely?" "Hang it, that isn't it. Of course there are, millions of them. It's public opinion. We all have to kow-tow to that." "Who made such a law?" "This world is governed by minorities in politics, in religion, in society. Majorities, right or wrong, dare not revolt.

She will exhibit it and become famous overnight. I can't bet much as you may perhaps suspect but I'll bet all I've got. And of course, once she gets recognition and everybody begins to kow-tow to her why, good-by, Barbara." "Still," said Dr. Ferris, "if she's developing a real talent, I don't know that I ought to stand in her way.

I believe they had the grace to turn the war pictures in the conference room to the wall. But fancy sending butchers to a conference in the interests of vegetarianism! Of course nothing was done or could be done there. And the Emperor in his uniform, drunk with militarism, wanted us all our nation wanted me to kow-tow before him as if he were a god! But he did not get what he wanted from us.

Admittedly, he was a provincial in the presence of one of the most illustrious personages in the Empire. Nevertheless, he controlled his nervousness, and reflected: "Nobody else from the Five Towns would or could have done what I am doing. Moreover, this chap is a mountebank. In the Five Towns they would kow-tow to him, but they would laugh at him. They would mighty soon add him up.

What I want to say is this: I'm a man that has worked hard all his life to earn the respect and the trust of his employers. I am supposed to be Chief Inspector of this department, and as Chief Inspector I'll kow-tow to nothing on two legs once I've been put in charge of a case. I work right in the sunshine. There's no grafting about me.

Thus encouraged I proceeded to kow-tow with even more unceasing assiduousness, and presently words of definite encouragement mingled with the shout. "Do not flag in your amiable disinterestedness, Kong Ho," I whispered in my ear, "and out of your well-sustained endurance may perchance arise a cordial understanding, and ultimately a remunerative alliance between two distinguished nations."

Are you going to have the courage of your convictions which I think I can surmise, though you haven't as yet confided them to me or are you going to wear the slave-chains of your fellows, and distort, and misrepresent, and truckle and kow-tow to the policy of the most venal press in America?" "On fait ce qu'on peut," said Cavendish, with a shrug. "Orders are orders, John.