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Then it had not been his own eyes but his mother's that had sparkled through tears, and it struck him that Klea, if she could be compared to any other woman, was most like to that noble matron to whom he owed his life, and that she might stand by the side of the daughter of the great Scipio Africanus like a youthful Minerva by the side of Juno, the stately mother of the gods.

Irene would so gladly have said yes and yes again, a thousand times yes; and yet she, who was so easily carried away by every little emotion of her heart, in this supreme moment found strength enough to snatch her hand from that of the Greek, who had again taken it, and to answer firmly: "I will remember you for ever and ever, but you must not come to see me till I am once more united to my Klea."

The water-bearer had escaped him, had flung the heavy door to, and imprisoned him; and this idea was to the Roman so degrading and unendurable that, lost to every feeling but rage, wounded pride, and the wild desire to be free, he kicked the door with all his might, and called out angrily to Klea: "Open this door I command you. Let me free this moment or, by all the gods "

"And is he not pleased that Philo calls him 'father, and you 'mother, and me by my name, and that he learns to distinguish many things?" asked the girl. "Oh, yes of course," said the woman. "He says you are teaching him to speak just as if he were a starling, and we are very much obliged to you." "That is not what I want," interrupted Klea.

"And is he not pleased that Philo calls him 'father, and you 'mother, and me by my name, and that he learns to distinguish many things?" asked the girl. "Oh, yes of course," said the woman. "He says you are teaching him to speak just as if he were a starling, and we are very much obliged to you." "That is not what I want," interrupted Klea.

If the kings themselves make their appearance, and want to bring their troops in, we will receive them respectfully as becomes us, but we will not give up Klea, but consign her to the holy of holies, which even Euergetes dare not enter without me; for in giving up the girl we sacrifice our dignity, and with that ourselves."

Thank you, my young friend you have strong arms, and you may lift me a little higher yet. So now I can bear it; nay, I am well content, I am to be envied for the moon shows me your dear face, my child, and I see tears on your cheeks, tears for me, a surly old man. Aye, it is good, it is very good to die thus." "Oh, father, father!" cried Klea. "You must not speak so.

"Deceit is deceit," repeated Klea after the smith when he had left the hall and she had emerged from her corner. She stood still for a moment and looked round her. For the first time she observed the shabby colors on the walls, the damage the pillars had sustained in the course of years, and the loose slabs in the pavement.

He laughed as he pressed his knees against the flanks of his bay and trotted slowly away, while the Cypriotes gave Klea ample time to reach the second court, which was more brightly lighted even than the first, that they might there surround her with insolent importunity.

Publius leaped to his feet and flung himself out of his prison; as he saw Klea escape he flew after her with, hasty leaps, and caught her in a few steps, for her mantle hindered her in running, and when she would not obey his desire that she should stand still he stood in front of her and said, not tenderly but sternly and decidedly: "You do not go a step farther, I forbid it."