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Besides which it is obviously impossible for anybody to have got into this room or out again. Have you searched the dead man?" Mansus produced a tray on which Kara's belongings had been disposed. The ordinary keys Mrs. Beale was able to identify. There were one or two which were beyond her.

In his more generous moments he would address his bodyguard as "Fred," and on more occasions than one, and for no apparent reason, had tipped his servant over and above his salary. Mr. Fred Fisher found little to reward him for his search until he came upon Kara's cheque book which told him that on the previous day the Greek had drawn 6,000 pounds in cash from the bank.

She still had her bag, a small affair of black moire, which hung from her belt, in which was nothing more formidable than a penknife, a small bottle of smelling salts and a pair of scissors. The latter she had used for cutting out those paragraphs from the daily newspapers which referred to Kara's movements.

"There is something to be considered in this situation beside Kara," she began, with a kind of awkward earnestness. The statement had not a happy sound, but the other girls waited, knowing that Louise had an odd fashion of expressing herself. One could not at first be altogether sure of her meaning. "We must remember that it is not for Kara's sake only that we are to keep her here, if Dr.

The lines of Kara's mouth were tired and old, the gray eyes with the long dark lashes, her one claim to beauty, were dark and rebellious. "You have taken your own time to come to see me, Tory. I have been here at the orphan asylum nearly a week and this is the first time you or any member of my Girl Scout Patrol has honored me with a call. I can't say I altogether blame you.

"Picking the lock would be no good, sir," said Fisher, an interested spectator, "Mr. Kara's got the latch down." "I forgot that," said T. X. "Tell him to bring his saw, we'll have to cut through the panel here." While they were waiting for the arrival of the police officer T. X. strove to attract the attention of the inmates of the room, but without success.

Afterwards, wishing to suggest that the storm had passed and the sun was shining and the birds singing, she tiptoed about, her arms gently undulating, her face looking upward. The dancing was crude and yet would have been attractive to eyes more accustomed to trained dancing than Tory's or Kara's. Tory's first sensation was one of pure, artistic pleasure.

A lot better than a good many other people I believe I can understand Kara's present state of mind. You see, I have been sick myself. Kara will brace up once she gets hold of herself. Don't you take anything she says or does too seriously." Lance and Tory got up and began walking back toward the evergreen cabin. "You know if this thing goes through I believe it may be a help to Kara.

A bridle path then led past the door and joined a road that was a short cut into Westhaven. The path is now overgrown with grass. "I remember very well, because I came out myself next day to see if Hammond, who was a young fellow, may have overlooked any method by which we might trace Kara's history.

Kara once asked me to marry him, and for reasons which I will give you, I am dreadfully afraid of him." She described without reserve the meeting at Salonika and Kara's extravagant rage and told of the attempt which had been made upon her. "Does John know this?" asked T. X. She shook her head sadly. "I wish I had told him now," she said. "Oh, how I wish I had!"