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'Don't leave us in the dark, said Kags, taking down a candle from the chimney-piece, and lighting it, with such a trembling hand that the knocking was twice repeated before he had finished. Crackit went down to the door, and returned followed by a man with the lower part of his face buried in a handkerchief, and another tied over his head under his hat. He drew them slowly off.

She went to see the Body, to speak to who it was, replied Chitling, his countenance falling more and more, 'and went off mad, screaming and raving, and beating her head against the boards; so they put a strait-weskut on her and took her to the hospital and there she is. 'Wot's come of young Bates? demanded Kags.

'The sessions are on, said Kags: 'if they get the inquest over, and Bolter turns King's evidence: as of course he will, from what he's said already: they can prove Fagin an accessory before the fact, and get the trial on on Friday, and he'll swing in six days from this, by G !

Chitling, 'that you had picked out some other crib when the two old ones got too warm, and had not come here, my fine feller. 'Why didn't you, blunder-head! said Kags. 'Well, I thought you'd have been a little more glad to see me than this, replied Mr. Chitling, with a melancholy air.

'Especially, when the exclusive young man has got a friend stopping with him, that's arrived sooner than was expected from foreign parts, and is too modest to want to be presented to the Judges on his return, added Mr. Kags.

One of these was Toby Crackit, another Mr. Chitling, and the third a robber of fifty years, whose nose had been almost beaten in, in some old scuffle, and whose face bore a frightful scar which might probably be traced to the same occasion. This man was a returned transport, and his name was Kags. 'I wish, said Toby turning to Mr.

They had sat thus, some time, when suddenly was heard a hurried knocking at the door below. 'Young Bates, said Kags, looking angrily round, to check the fear he felt himself. The knocking came again. No, it wasn't he. He never knocked like that. Crackit went to the window, and shaking all over, drew in his head. There was no need to tell them who it was; his pale face was enough.

But where can he have come from first, and how comes he here alone without the other! What do you think? said Chitling. Toby shook his head. 'If he had, said Kags, 'the dog 'ud want to lead us away to where he did it. No. I think he's got out of the country, and left the dog behind. He must have given him the slip somehow, or he wouldn't be so easy.

The dog had jumped in at an open window; he made no attempt to follow them, nor was his master to be seen. 'What's the meaning of this? said Toby when they had returned. 'He can't be coming here. I I hope not. 'If he was coming here, he'd have come with the dog, said Kags, stooping down to examine the animal, who lay panting on the floor. 'Here!

But the person that et it would want to fetch a couple of kags of toothpicks along, for if that rope ladder wouldn't cramp him down to business I don't know nothing what I'm talking about, and lay him in enough stomach-ache to last him till next time, too.