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Now the mill of justice, at least in the General Sessions of New York County, grinds exceeding fine, so far as the number of convictions is concerned. Of those brought to the bar for trial few escape; for modern talesmen, being hard-headed men, regard the whole thing as a matter of business and try to get through with it as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

He is alternately confident and doubtful, headlong and hesitating now hurried away on the full tide of his eloquence he expatiates in beautiful generalities on the glorious institution of trial by jury, and apostrophizes justice; or now, with broken utterance and plaintive voice, he supplicates the jury to be patient, and be careful in the decision they may come to.

A king should, without doubt, look upon his subjects as his own children. In determining their disputes, however, he should not show compassion. For hearing the complaints and answers of disputants in judicial suits, the king should always appoint persons possessed of wisdom and a knowledge of the affairs of the world, for the state really rests upon a proper administration of justice.

I am determined that my children shall have me." "Be generous to them," she said sharply. "Bother justice!" "I am determined and have already written to Charles to that effect " "But how much have you got?" "What?" "How much have you a year? I've six hundred." "My income?" "Yes. We must begin with how much you have, before we can settle how much you can give Charles.

We laughed at some doggerel verses which he cited, and which we, never having seen them before, suspected to be his own. We are now sure that if the principle on which Solomon decided a famous case of filiation were correct, there can be no doubt as to the justice of our suspicion.

Here, then, was a field worthy of his talents; and that he did every manner of justice to it, no one can deny. Yet he owes much of his success to the valuable assistance rendered him by Mr.

But touching his character; the first feature that came into my mind was his extreme justice; in my very earliest years I remember being impressed by it one felt it: all actions and motives were judged with a catholicity and charity that made us trust him implicity, and I see my sister has the same remembrance.

The within writ came to hand at 7 o'clock a.m. and was served by me on the said Lorenzo Thomas at 8 o'clock a.m, and I now return this writ and bring him before Chief Justice Carter at 9 o'clock a. m. of to-day. David S. Gooding, U. S. Marshal, D. C. No. 15. Mr. Counsel for Prosecution objected, and Mr.

Pinnock, the case is to be fought out, and if we lose we shall still know that justice is on our side; but if we pay money " Mrs. Gordon took her hand, and lifted it to her lips. "I think you are quite right, my dear. You put us all to shame for even thinking of it." "I am very sorry, Mr. Blake," the girl went on, "very sorry indeed that you should have come here on such an errand.

You seem to forget your situation at the present moment, and that you are entirely and completely in my power." "I forgot nothing, sir: I am in the hands of One, before whom you are as a grasshopper; and His justice does not always slumber." "Turning parson again!