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There are two contenders for the throne in my land. One is a prisoner in Austria, the other is at liberty somewhere in in the world. The Teutonic Allies are now in possession of my country. It has been ravished and despoiled." "So far Sprouse's story jibes," said he, as she paused. "My countrymen conceived the notion that Germany would one day conquer France and over-run England.

The barber had piled her beautiful light hair into a fearful mountain of puffs, and about her narrow shoulders she wore a Spanish shawl, as if to represent Carmen a very pitiful Carmen, who provoked jeers and jibes from one end of the table to the other. "What deadly green stockings!" Frederick thought, as he choked down a piece of fish with the bones in it.

He came before long to laugh with them and to take their jibes as they were meant good-naturedly. Joey Grinaldi beamed with congratulation. He laid himself out to make the going easy for his "gentleman pardner," appreciating the vast distinction that lay between these men and the kind David had known all of his life. And David saw that he was trying to make it easy for him.

Now Jin Vin was so full of his jibes and jeers, and so willing, and so ready, and so serviceable, and so mannerly all the while, with a step that sprung like a buck's in Epping Forest, and his eye that twinkled as black as a gipsy's, that no woman who knew the world would make a comparison betwixt the lads.

Then he laughed in an insolent way as though he were reading in the German illustration something that was provoking his jibes. As though this were not enough, he raised his eyes with aggressive curiosity in order to study the portraits adorning the wall. Then he realized the great transformation which had just taken place in the bar.

He had never spoken to her that way before she had not dreamed he felt like that; heretofore it had been only through laughing little jibes at the army she had had any inkling of his feeling toward it. That she had not taken seriously; half the people she knew in the service jibed at it to others in the service. This depth of feeling disturbed her, moved her to defense.

He jibes among his compliments; and I do not wonder that Mistress Arabella Fermor was not conciliated by his long-drawn cleverness and polished lines. I prefer Sackville's verses "written at sea the night before an engagement": "To all you ladies now on land We men at sea indite."

He did not mind the jibes of the newspapers, but the loss of the money was almost killing. He had not set his heart on popularity, but cash. He had another special trouble, but with a different sort of ending. Not being on friendly terms with Reese, his neighbor made a peremptory demand for the removal of the wall, or the payment of a heavy price for the ground. Here was misery for the miser.

It was true when the race was finished that he was less than a yard behind Mott, who was himself only about a foot in the rear of the fleet-footed Ogden, and that the fourth runner was so far behind Will that he was receiving the hootings and jibes of the sophomores, but still the very best that Phelps was able to do was to cross the line as third.

And the elders filed across the hall, leaving poor Betty reduced to tears of misery, while the boys comforted her by jibes and jeers in true schoolboy fashion. In the drawing-room a ghastly silence prevailed, broken by fitful efforts of conversation.