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The Rajah threw up his head like a war-horse scenting the battle from afar and laid his commands upon the long-suffering secretary. "Faveh me, Jastrow. Get out there and see what they are doing, seh." The secretary was back in the shortest possible interval, and his report was concise and business-like.

Honest, that grinding goes right through me. He hadn't ought to be showing to-day, after the way they had to have the doctor in on him last night. He hadn't ought to be eating that nasty glass." "Ain't it awful, Mabel!" "Yes, it's awful, Mabel! A fellow snagging up his insides like Jastrow. I never knew a glass-eating artist in my life that lived to old age.

Jastrow darted into the car, and a moment later his place on the observation platform was taken by a wrathful industry colonel fresh from his dressing-room so fresh, indeed, that he was coatless, hatless, and collarless, and with the dripping bath-sponge clutched like a missile to hurl at the impudent invaders on the opposite side of the canyon.

For an elaborate and interesting discussion of this subject, see Tolstoi's Physiology of War. As showing the later trend of thought on this general theme, see the excellent summary by Professor Seligman, The Economic Interpretation of History. William James, The Will to Believe and other Essays, pp. 218 ff.; Jastrow, Psych.

It was some little time after breakfast, and Virginia and the Reverend Billy were doing a constitutional on the plank platform at the station, when the secretary came down from the car on his way to the telegraph office. It was Virginia who stopped him. "What do we do next, Mr. Jastrow?" she said; "call in the United States Army?" For reply he handed her a telegram, damp from the copying press.

Wouldn't I give it to you otherwise wouldn't I?" "Swig, Teenie! Honest to God, just a swig!" "No, no, Jas! No, no, no!" Suddenly Jastrow the Granite Jaw drew down his lips to a snarl, his hands clutching into the coverlet and drawing it up off his feet. "Gimme!" he said. "I've done it before and I'll do it now smash up the place! Gimme! You're getting me crazy! This time you got me crazy.

Among the Babylonians, the word "liver" was used in hymns and other compositions precisely as we use the word "heart," and Jastrow gives a number of illustrations from Hebrew, Greek and Latin sources illustrating this usage. The belief arose that through the inspection of this important organ in the sacrificial animal the course of future events could be predicted.

I'll step on you and squash you like a caterpillar." "Don't hurt him, Mr. Jastrow! Don't let him fall off backwards. He is so little. Teenie'll catch you if you fall, honey. Teenie's here in back of you." With another double twist, the Baron de Ross somersaulted backward off the shoulder of his captor, landing upright in the outstretched skirts of Miss Hoag.

Jastrow the Granite Jaw did quit, so suddenly, so completely, his face turned outward toward the purpling meadows, and his mouth slightly open, that a mirror held finally and frantically against it did not so much as cloud. At nine o'clock there drew up outside the coolie-faced house one of those small tin motor-cars which are tiny mile-scavengers to the country road.

Pünjer, Geschichte der christl. Religionsphilosophie, 2 vols. 1880-83. M. Jastrow, The Study of Religion, 1901. L. H. Jordan, Comparative Religion, its Origin and Growth, 1905. Revue de l'histoire des religions, edited by M. J. Réville. Archiv für Religionswissenschaft, edited by Alb. Dieterich. Reinach, Orpheus, Histoire Générale des Religions, 1909.