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In the midst of the loud talking which followed, I heard Jarette's voice above all the rest. "It was his own fault," he cried. "Here, carry him below. I shall not take the blame." "But you shot at and hit him," growled a man angrily. "As I will at you, you dog," roared Jarette, "if you disobey my orders. Quick! get him below."

Any fellow would rather live in a beautiful island than have his brains blown out." "I don't know about that," I said shortly. "I wouldn't on Jarette's terms." "No, sir, you wouldn't," said the cook; "but Mr Walters would." As he spoke he lifted the lid off one of his pots, and gave the contents a stir round. "Smell that, sir? There's nothing on Jarette's island as'll come up to that.

"Can't I get into this?" "Not against me," Helberson said. "I don't want your money." "All right," said Mancher; "I'll be the corpse." The others laughed. The outcome of this crazy conversation we have seen. In extinguishing his meagre allowance of candle Mr. Jarette's object was to preserve it against some unforeseen need.

We knew the next moment who had fallen, for Jarette's voice came to us in an angry snarl. "You grinning idiots," he cried, "take that!" As he spoke there was the sharp report of a pistol, and a fearful shriek, followed by a fall, and a low moaning as of some one in agony. "Serve him right!" cried Jarette. "Take him below. I'll have the doctor out and send him down."

Now then, pick up something for a weapon, Dale, if it's only the cabin poker." "Are you going to fight?" I said in a low tone. "I thought you were going to help that poor wretch." "I can attend him as well when he is our prisoner, Dale, as if we were Jarette's." "Of course," I said excitedly. "But hadn't you better have Dumlow too?"

It was found that he had been forced by Jarette's threats to work for the mutineers, and if they had gained the upper hand he would no doubt have sided with them again; but now he seemed to return gladly to his regular duties, and he was as energetic as possible in preparing breakfast, waiting on Miss Denning and her brother, and when he was not cooking, making himself generally useful, as the advertisements say, about the cabins, especially that of the captain, to whom, unasked, he began to act as nurse.

"Barney, doctor, Neb, come and help here." We all made a rush to the side to help Bob, and our presence was needed, for man after man had now reached the chains, where they waited for Jarette's orders to make a rush. "Here, let me come," cried Dumlow, limping up with his capstan-bar. "Give me room, and I'll clear the lot down."

"You look sharp, and we'll pull him and the doctor through, see if we don't. I don't think no bones is broke. Them chesties sheltered 'em." Then I felt water being trickled into my mouth and some poured over my forehead, while, though I could neither move nor speak, I heard Jarette's voice giving orders apparently ever so far away.

But I felt relieved, for I could breathe freely now, and I lay still with the lid raised, listening for Jarette's uneasy step as he came and went, and thinking of how easy it was to make plans, and how difficult to carry them out. I knew that if we were going to try and obtain the mastery once more we must act at once, for a fresh breeze would separate us at once, and the chance be gone.

The boats came on in spite of two or three shots fired from the deck, and then, with Jarette rapidly returning our fire, they were soon close up and sheltered to a great extent. Jarette's boat came right alongside at once in the most plucky manner, urged on as the men were by their leader, who seemed utterly devoid of fear.