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The proof of it is that you can keep your factory open in a district where furs are rather scarce and have had very few mishaps. You can take that as a compliment." There was something significant in Clarke's tone which Blake remarked, while Sedgwick, feeling that he was being left out, strolled on. "Then you know the Jack-pine?" the agent asked. "Pretty well, though it's not easy to reach.

It lent those declivities on which it grew a spacious, well-kept, park appearance, on which Bob exclaimed with delight. But Welton would have none of it. "Bear clover," said he, "full of pitch as an old jack-pine. Burns like coal oil, and you can't hardly cut it with a hoe. Worst stuff to carry fire and to fight fire in you ever saw. Pick a piece and smell it."

The two men sat down, and while Nicol tore open the dirty envelope, and read his taskmaster's orders, Tough lit a pipe, and watched him out of the corners of his black, restless, wicked eyes. A roar of fury echoes through the primeval forest. It plays amidst the countless aisles of jack-pine. It loses itself in the dense growing tamarack, or dies amidst the softer plumage of spruce.

Never before had he beheld such a scene, and his fingers burned to sketch her as she now stood out clear and distinct in his mind. Producing a pencil and a sheet of his scanty supply of paper, he was soon at work before the door of his tent. The bottom of a biscuit box, placed at the proper angle on the stump of a jack-pine, formed his easel.

"They understand you. The proof of it is that you can keep your factory open in a district where furs are rather scarce, and you have had very few mishaps. You can take that as a compliment." Blake noticed something significant in Clarke's tone. "Then you know the Jack-pine?" the agent asked. "Pretty well, though it's not easy to reach. I came down it one winter from the Wild-goose hills.

He turned to the Hudson's Bay agent. "You ought to know something about the matter. On the whole, the Hudson's Bay treat the Indians well; there was a starving lad you picked up suffering from snow-blindness near Jack-pine river and sent back safely to his tribe." "That's so, but I can't tell how you knew. I don't remember having talked about the thing; and my clerk has never left the factory.

At a shack on a little cove, just before midday, he found several fishermen, to whom he applied for clothing. They had pity on his plight, fitted him out with a shirt, serviceable breeches and rough boots, and gave him, as well, as much biscuit and dried fish as he wished to carry. Thus reinforced he continued to put the leagues behind him till night, when he slept under a convenient jack-pine.

Horses, sheep, and cattle had passed along there that day. This road turned southward, and Jean began to have pleasurable expectations. The road, like the trail, led down grade, but no longer at such steep angles, and was bordered by cedar and pinyon, jack-pine and juniper, mescal and manzanita.

It would surely be very swift; there would be but a gasp or two from the stunning chill of the icy water, after which must come swift oblivion. The world was indeed a very harsh and dangerous place. She would be glad to leave it; there could be nothing to regret. She raised her eyes once more and looked about her. The heat from the birchen logs and the sizzling jack-pine penetrated her.

Poplar bluff, and jack-pine knoll, and spruce thicket, and open patch of rosebush-matted plain flitted by like the tide of a landscape through which an express speeds. Why had this silly Cow and effete old Bull traveled so far? A'tim wondered. Would they never overtake them? Suddenly a vibrating bellow echoed through the forest and halted the Wolf Runners.