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She told me yesterday that Ivor had come to her, laid his hand on her shoulder, and said, `Mither, I've lost all hope o' mysel' noo, to which the old woman answered, `That's the best news I've heard for mony a day, my son, for noo the Lord wull let ye see what He can do for ye. Ivor's reply to that was, `I believe ye're richt, mither. Now I think that was a great deal to come from two such undemonstrative Celts."

An immensely long cigarette-holder projected at an angle from her face. Diamonds were embedded in her high-piled coiffure; they glittered every time she moved. It was a batch of Ivor's drawings sketches of Spirit Life, made in the course of tranced tours through the other world.

"Yet I'm afraid he won't be in a mood to take much comfort from it thanks to that wretch. You know Raoul hasn't a practical bone in his body. He will think I've deceived him, and nothing else will matter. I must " But I broke off, and laid my hand on Ivor's arm. "What's that?" I whispered. "Did you hear anything then?" Ivor shook his head. And we both listened.

Flockhart, Fergus Mac- Ivor's good-humoured landlady. 'Gude guide us, Mr. Waverley, is this you? na, ye needna be feared for me. I wad betray nae gentleman in your circumstances. Eh, lack-a-day! lack-a-day! here's a change o' markets; how merry Colonel MacIvor and you used to be in our house! And the good- natured widow shed a few natural tears.

I was thankful I hadn't taken Ivor's advice and introduced the two men at first, for in his then mood Raoul would have listened to no explanations. He and I would never have arrived at the understanding we had reached now. The very asking of such a bold question "Do you think I let a man in, and hid him?" helped my cause with Raoul. "No," he said, "I can't think it. I won't, and don't think it.

The chief Lama told me he had gone back at once by another route to his own country. After our fortunate escape from the clutches of our too-admiring Tibetan hosts, we wound our way slowly back through the Maharajah's territory towards Sir Ivor's headquarters.

"If I were a million Samavians instead of one woman, I should know what to do!" she cried. "If your father were a million Samavians, he would know, too. He would find Ivor's descendant, if he is on the earth, and he would end all this horror!" "Who would not end it if they could?" cried Marco, quite fiercely.

Hollyhock was sincerely glad to find herself once again on the highroad, but in some mysterious way her dislike for Ardshiel had vanished, and she felt furiously angry with Ivor Chetwode for daring to take notice of her plain sister, Gentian. She got into the house without much difficulty, bathed her swollen lip, and retired to bed to think of Ivor's blue eyes.

"The ship carries a surgeon," I replied, in my most precise tone. "He is a duly qualified gentleman, very able in his profession, and he ought to inspire your wife with confidence. I regard this vessel as Dr. Boyell's practice, and all on board it as virtually his patients." Sir Ivor's face fell.

Then I owed my escape from the stenographic myrmidons of the Canadian Press to the polite care and attention of my father's murderer! Major Tascherel was a friend, he said, of Dr. Ivor's! Then Dr. Ivor knew I had come. He knew I was going to Palmyra to find him. And yet he had written to Quebec, apparently, expecting this crush, and asking his friend the Chief Constable to protect and befriend me.