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There is an ample installation of lavatories with running water, baths with hot and cold douches, and Turkish baths. Turkish latrines have been fitted in the annexes of the palace. Natives do the laundry work and ironing. Special Quarters. The Red Cross Hospital is provided with a spacious, well-lighted theatre for operations, and all the necessary apparatus.

And Keziah was lonely, and felt neglected and "put upon" when nobody came to talk to her in her kitchen, or to help her with her cooking and ironing and particularly after she had told Deb that it was a shame to bear malice to Miss Rose now, and Deb had commanded her to mind her own business.

Except when some strong-minded female steps forth from the degraded ranks, and asserts her position, whether by giving loose to that unruly member the tongue, or by a piece of management which will give "an old fool a lesson that will last him all the days of his life." Phillis was at her ironing early in the morning, for she liked to hurry it over before the heat of the day.

Can't you speak, whatever it is, hey? What, have you burnt my best cap in the ironing, hey? Is that it?" "Oh! worse, worse, ma'am!" "Worse! What can be worse?" "My brother, ma'am, my brother George, is ill, very ill of a fever; and they don't think he'll live! Here is my father's letter, ma'am!"

I left off ironing and stooped down over him, to look at him better, and grandfather got a book, and began to read how this very kind were the most poisonous and vicious species, how their bite were often fatal, and then went on to read how people who were bitten got swelled, and screamed with pain.

Ester's round of home duties had been so constant and pressing, the rebound was extreme; it seemed to her that she could never bake any more pies and cakes in that great oven, and she actually shuddered over the thought that, if she were at home, she would probably be engaged in ironing, while Maggie did the heavier work.

She was very pale and distraught-looking, but Eugene for the time was almost unconscious of it he was so relieved. "Are you very tired, Angela?" he finally asked sympathetically. "Yes, I'm not feeling so well today," she replied. "What have you been doing, ironing?" "Oh, yes, and cleaning. I worked on the cupboard." "You oughtn't to try to do so much," he said cheerfully.

In Helen Somers's old home the daily routine had been as inflexible as its ancestor's original Calvinistic creed Monday, washing; Tuesday, ironing; Wednesday, cleaning the silver; Thursday, at home to visitors; Friday, sweeping; Saturday, baking; and Sunday, the hardest day of all.

He hurried through his meal, and went at once to the hay-field, while Lou, after insisting on clearing the dishes away, went back to the wash-tub, and their hostess returned to her own belated ironing.

The smallest of them does not take up much more room than a sewing-machine, can be turned by a boy of ten or twelve, and thus in the course of an hour or two the heaviest and most fatiguing part of a family ironing may be accomplished. "I should certainly advise the 'Young Family Man' with a delicate wife and uncertain domestic help to fortify his kitchen with one of these fixtures.