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I had not the slightest intention of burning Castle Furstenberg, but suddenly my hand was forced. I was responsible for the safety of my men. I hesitated not for one instant to fire the Castle.

Peterkin stopped one instant to obey the command, and then plied his paddle again with all his might. No sooner had the fish fallen on the water than we observed the shark to sink.

I quickly sprang up, for the thought seized me that I might have stepped into the hole of some snake, and that in another instant he might be issuing out to attack me. I ran on for some paces, when I stopped and looked back, but nothing appeared. Not till then did I discover that I had sprained my ankle.

But her father threw a conversational bomb into their midst the next instant. "Ten thousand dollars, you goosey!" he said vigorously. "That's the main doubt in the whole business. It isn't ten thousand dollars. It's fifty thousand dollars! A pound, either English or Scotch, is almost five of our dollars.

In his decision he appeared to himself to stand absolutely solitary and detached put away from all help from humanity or from human creeds. The law courts told him nothing, nor did religion then, at the instant of his sharpest despair of knowledge, there came back to him, as in a vision of light, the scene two thousand years ago in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper.

The prime minister, or first officers of state, under the Mughal emperors. Literally, "instant of an instant." With regard to this idiomatic use of the genitive case, vide "Grammar," page 96, paragraph b. Here the khwaja resumes his own story to Azad Bakht. The king, Azad Bakht, speaks in his own person. The son of a khwaja or merchant of the highest grade.

"I haven't the slightest idea how I could make use of such a photo now. But I want to provide against anything that may turn up. The marks are there, and we might as well have a record of them." Tierney opened his mouth to reply, but at that instant Morgan held up a warning hand.

"And now, my pretty little man," said Mother Carey, "you are sure you know the way to the Other-end-of-Nowhere?" Tom thought; and behold, he had forgotten it utterly. "That is because you took your eyes off me." Tom looked at her again, and recollected; and then looked away, and forgot in an instant. "But what am I to do, ma'am? For I can't keep looking at you when I am somewhere else."

With his gun held ready for instant use in case any danger threatened, he went cautiously in the direction from which the noise appeared to have come, and after a brief time threw aside the weapon with an exclamation of dismay.

As she neared the location strange sounds began to reach her, voices of men, clanging of hammers, the rip of saws. A look of deep consternation overspread her face. She listened an instant and then began to run.