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The conclusion drawn from it is, that it must have given him a sense of stability and safety. At any rate that he put on the suit is quite certain. Probably it was a work of ingratiation and degrees; a feeling of the silk, a trying on to one leg, then a matching of the fellow with it. O you Revolutionists! who would have no state, no ceremonial, and but one order of galligaskins!

"O yes, I knew her long ago," said Fleda, thinking it might be as well to throw in a spice of ingratiation. "I am Fleda Ringgan. I used to live here with my grandfather." "Don't say! Well, I thought you had a kind o' look the old Squire's granddarter, ain't you?"

Marie stood framed in her wild cucumber-vine, regarding the captain with her pretty ingratiation, but not another smile she got. Carroll strolled around to the front of the house, and in a second the carriage rolled around from the stable. Marie nodded to the coachman; there was never a man of her acquaintance but she had a pretty, artless salutation always ready for him.

But nobody would have guessed that Diana had ever been in a hurry, that saw her entrance the next minute upon her visitor. That little lady felt a sort of imposing effect, and did not quite know how to do what she had come for. "I always think there has come some witchery over my eyes," she said with her invariable little laugh of ingratiation, "when I see you.

No word accompanied them, apparently, but after some search I drew a bit of paper from the toe of one of them. It was inscribed simply "Fort la Cloche." During my absence Dick had made many friends. Wherein lies his secret I do not know, but he has a peculiar power of ingratiation with people whose lives are quite outside his experience or sympathies.

The conclusion drawn from it is, that it must have given him a sense of stability and safety. At any rate that he put on the suit is quite certain. Probably it was a work of ingratiation and degrees; a feeling of the silk, a trying on to one leg, then a matching of the fellow with it. O you Revolutionists! who would have no state, no ceremonial, and but one order of galligaskins!

Waffles' good graces an ingratiation that had been pretty serviceable to him, both in the way of meat, drink, mounting, and money. Had Mr.

Was he comin' out to ye, or did ye want to be let inside?" The insult was lost on the sufferer. The woman shifted her position, and changed her tone to one of cunning ingratiation. "Goin' to the funeral?" she inquired, and without waiting for an answer, continued to talk. "I am. I won't be asked, of course they don't know I'm here; but I'm goin'. I wouldn't miss it no, not for nothing.

With the relaxing of his physical effort the restraining grip upon his thinking powers gave way. Inspiration leaped, and he found himself talking again almost before he was aware of it. "You're a real pretty gal, Birdie," he heard himself saying. "Now, maybe you got some kids?" he added, with an automatic grin of ingratiation. How the inquiry slipped out he never knew.

This countryside, so rich and yet a little wild, the independent-looking cottages, the old dark cosy manor-house, all was very new to one used to Oxford, and to London, and to little else of England. And all was delightful. Even Mark's guardian seemed to her delightful. For Gordy, when absolutely forced to face an unknown woman, could bring to the encounter a certain bluff ingratiation.