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That is to say, he discovered that at present it was his policy to make himself agreeable, even to his co-trustee. Armstrong, with the position he held at Maxfield as Roger's friend and Mrs Ingleton's trusted servant, was not to be disposed of quite as easily as the gallant officer had at first anticipated.

All that sort of thing is no use. I gave his secret away deliberately to young Vane, and asked him to speak to the Ambassador. And now I've come to you. I want you to have him here once or twice and be nice to him. Then I can see something of him, poor fellow, and do something for him." A faint smile curved Lady Ingleton's sensitive lips. "Of course. Then he's coming to the Bosporus?"

Though seven years older than herself, he was little more than a boy, full of gaiety and life, possessing an extraordinary fascination, but wholly lacking in prospects, being no more than the son of Squire Ingleton's bailiff.

His trusteeship is dependent on his coming to this country and assuming the duties of guardian to the heir, and provision is made accordingly. The third trustee and guardian is Mr Frank Armstrong, who is entitled to act so long as he holds his present post of tutor to the heir, which post he will retain only during Mrs Ingleton's pleasure.

Her mother had been delicate for as long as she could remember, and it was on account of her failing health that Sylvia had left school earlier than had been intended, that she might be with her. Since Mrs. Ingleton's death, three years before, she and her father had lived alone together at the old Manor in complete accord.

Lady Dolly, in front, repeated Lord Ingleton's phrase with ingenuous wonder. "I know it's clever," she insisted, "but what does it mean? Now that other thing what was it? 'Subtract vice, and virtue is what is left' that's an easy one. Write it down on your cuff for me, will you, Colonel Cummins? I shall be so sick if I forget it."

The truth was that Lady Ingleton's interview with Cynthia Clarke had made her realize two things: that since she had come to know Father Robertson, and had betrayed to him the secret of her friend's life, any genuine feeling of liking she had had for Cynthia Clarke had died; and that Cynthia Clarke was tired of Dion Leith. That day Mrs.

Then she added in a very low voice; "Thank you!" And she put out her hand. Tears started into Lady Ingleton's eyes as she took the hand. Rosamund turned and went quickly out of the room. Some minutes after she had gone Lady Ingleton heard rain beating upon the window. The sound reminded her of the umbrella she had "stood" in the corner of the room when Rosamund came in. It was still there.

If I were in your place, I should quit." "She'll repent it!" raved Mrs. Ingleton. "Oh, she will repent it bitterly!" "Very likely," conceded Ingleton. "But she's kicked over the traces now, and that fact won't pull her up anyhow, at present," Mrs. Ingleton's look held fierce resentment. "Are you going to let her go?" she said. He shrugged his shoulders.

Chetwinde's voice when she had spoken of "Cynthia Clarke," and even tones in Lady Ingleton's voice. "They stuck to me because they believed in me. What other reason could they have?" "Unless they were very devoted to you." "Women aren't much given to that sort of thing," she said dryly. "I think you have an unusual power of making people do what you wish. It is like an emanation," he said slowly.