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His education had been, completed at Alcala, and at Madrid, under the immediate supervision of his royal uncle, and in the companionship of the Infante Carlos and the brilliant Don John. The imperial bastard was alone able to surpass, or even to equal the Italian prince in all martial and manly pursuits.

On being at last set free from bondage he had been taken to the Escorial, and permitted to kiss the hand of the king that hand still reeking with his father's murder. He had been well received by the Infante and the Infanta, and by the empress-mother, daughter of Charles V., while the artistic treasures of the palace and cloister were benignantly pointed out to him.

The first to attempt her overthrow was the Infante Juan, the young king's uncle, who made an alliance with the Moorish king of Granada and assumed a threatening attitude.

When he had gone, seeing that the affair might take a tragic turn, I began to examine with De la Haye how it could be avoided, but we had not long to puzzle our imagination, for in less than half an hour an officer of the Infante of Parma presented himself, and requested me to repair immediately to head-quarters, where M. de Bertolan, Commander of Parma, wanted to speak to me.

From thence they carried him to Cabezon, and there the Abbot Don Ferrando came to him, an honourable man, and many other honourable men of his realms, and the Cid Ruydiez, whom the King commended to the Infante Don Sancho, his son. And after he had put all his affairs in order he remained three days lamenting in pain, and on the fourth, being the day of St.

The King Almanzor slept one night, And, oh! his sleep was blest; Not all the seven Moorish kings Could dare to break his rest. The infante Bobalias Bethought of him and cried: "Now rouse thee, rouse thee, uncle dear! And hasten to my side. "And bid them fetch the ladders Owned by my sire the King; And the seven mules that carry them Into my presence bring.

Matters had gone on in this way for a few weeks, when one day the captives were told that they were to work in the gardens no more; heavier chains were fastened to their arms and legs, and they were all thrust together into one tiny dungeon. Then a message came that dom Fernando was to be brought before the vizier. With a beating heart the infante gladly followed his gaoler.

He, therefore, after an ineffectual attempt, quitted the place and its neighbourhood, and hastened to meet a more threatening danger upon the Danube. At the Emperor's instigation, the Cardinal Infante, the brother of Philip IV. of Spain, and the Viceroy of Milan, had raised an army of 14,000 men, intended to act upon the Rhine, independently of Wallenstein, and to protect Alsace.

Twenty-four years afterwards, I met her eldest son, then a distinguished officer in the service of the Infante of Parma. As for Marton, the grace of Heaven had touched her, and she had become a nun in the convent at Muran.

"What mercy do you practice, you who preach a gospel of mercy in the world, and cry for mercy now?" the Infante asked him. "But this is an infamy! What harm have those poor children done? What concern is it of theirs that I have offended you in performing my sacred duty?" Swift into that opening flashed the home-thrust of the Infante's answer. "What harm have my people of Coimbra done?