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Be not ill-humored; you know it is useless to resist me. Don't laugh; were I to try it, I could toss you about like a ball; but you are my friend, and besides, you are too weak to contend with me. Therefore, fear nothing."

I am sorry to have a tie to a world that for me is ever sown with thorns. "You will call this an ill-humored letter, when, in fact, it is the strongest proof of affection I can give to dread to lose you. has taken such pains to convince me that you must and ought to stay, that it has inconceivably depressed my spirits. You have always known my opinion.

"Say no," cried Moses, very excited and ill-humored. "Say that I am not at home that I am out." See "Goethe in Berlin, Leaves of Memory," p. 6. "What is the matter, my dear Wolf?" cried the duke, as Goethe returned from his visits. "What mean those shadows upon your brow? Have the cursed beaux-esprits in Berlin annoyed and tortured you?"

Even now she had shuffled back into her kitchen, leaving her ill-humored lodger to puff away at the malodorous weed as he chose. But Richard might return at any moment, and then ... Sir Marmaduke had never thought of that possible contingency.

Manicamp, who was less intimate with his royal highness than the Chevalier de Lorraine, vainly endeavored to detect, from the expression of the prince's face, what had made him so ill-humored.

He is the life and soul of every party, and his impromptu singing after supper will make you die of laughing. He is meditating an impromptu now, and at the same time thinking about a bill that is coming due next Thursday. Happy dog! Dear Emma Trotter has been silent and rather ill-humored all the evening until now her pretty face lights up with smiles. Cannot you guess why?

I never found the man upon whom rested the great responsibilities of the nation impatient or ill-humored. The plainest and most tedious visitors were made welcome and happy in his presence; the poor commanded as much of his time as the rich.

Aldegonde came down late, and looked about him with an uneasy, ill-humored air.

My drowsy chaperone was awakened too suddenly, and was therefore very cross and ill-humored for some time after. It was with difficulty we persuaded her to follow us along the track, at the end of which loomed up a dismal wooden building whither we directed our vagrant steps, not knowing what better to do. Here we deposited our sundry parcels and awaited some crisis, we hardly knew what.

"It is more than pretty," said the Emperor, "it is charming!" But the Princess touched it, and was almost ready to cry. "Fie, papa!" said she. "It is not made at all, it is natural!" "Let us see what is in the other casket, before we get into a bad humor," said the Emperor. So the nightingale came forth and sang so delightfully that at first no one could say anything ill-humored of her. "Superbe!