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His idealisation of her had raised and moulded his life, and now that she had grown into the reality of that ideal, he was content with the sunshine she had brought, and the joy of having done her a real service, little as she guessed at the devoted homage that prompted it.

Yes, I'll be as happy as she'll let me." And he resumed his idealising. At his time of life idealisation is still not a difficult or a long process. And in this case there was an ample physical basis for it and far more of a mental basis than young imagination demands. He took the draught she so frankly offered him; he added a love potion of his own concocting, and drank it off. He was in love.

You restore the lost youth of manhood by idealisation, and you compel your readers to 'idealise' with you but 'to idealise' is rather a dangerous verb! and its conjugation generally means trouble and disaster. Ideals unless they are of the spiritual kind unattainable on this planet are apt to be very disappointing." Innocent smiled.

You are so given to idealisation, and you may find yourself disappointed if you trust to depths that are not there. As to friendship, don't forget that she is, as yet, the merest acquaintance. 'One may feel nearer some people in a week than to others after years. 'As to being near in a week she doesn't feel near you; that is all I mean. Don't cast your pearls too lavishly.

Where there has been conscious, or even involuntary, deception, an unreal position or exaggerated idealisation on either side, the pain of disillusion will be poignant, and its effect permanent. Things can be sorrowfully and bravely patched up for mere outward use, but there will be a smart under the smile, and a blank in the life that should have been so full.

It is not exactly friendship, but partakes more of the character of love in its idealisation, its shyness, its enthusiastic reverence, its hopeless doubt of requital, and, above all, its jealousies.

In the case of Alexander, with his marvellous, almost superhuman achievements, and his final solution of the great drama of the contest of East and West, such idealisation is easy to understand; and we find not only that Alexander is himself represented as a god, but that his expression and cast of features come to affect the sculpture of his age, even in the representations of the gods themselves.

Here are my notes of one specimen conversation, given without any dramatic nonsense or idealisation. My memory can be trusted absolutely, and I have often reported a long interview in such a way that the person interviewed saw nothing to alter. Bowman guffawed, and his purple face swelled with merriment, for he had been hearing a whispered story told by Bill Preston, an elderly retired tradesman.

Of course there are many simple and healthy natures which do not concern themselves with visions at all the little businesses, the daily pleasures, are quietly and even eagerly enjoyed. But the poetical nature is the nature that is not easily contented, because it tends to idealisation, to the thought that the present might easily be so much happier, brighter, more beautiful, than it is.

In respect of its general characteristics, we think it has been made clear that vocal music, and by consequence all music, is an idealisation of the natural language of passion. As far as it goes, the scanty evidence furnished by history confirms this conclusion.