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The organs of detoxification remove things from the body's system, but these two vital organs should not be confused with what hygienists call the secondary organs of elimination, such as the large intestine, lungs, bladder and the skin, because none of these other eliminatory organs are supposed to purify the body of toxins.

Cloth, 1s. 1-1/2d. The Drink Mania, its Cause and Only Cure. 36 pgs. 2d. History of Ideal Toilet Cream for Vegetarians, Fruitarians, Hygienists, and Wallace-ites; also of Curative Ointments. 11 pgs. Price 1-1/2d. By JOSEPH WALLACE. Fermentation: The Primary Cause of Disease in Man and Animals. 8 pgs. 1-1/2d. Cholera: Its Prevention and Cure, and Home Nursing of Cases.

Since Ruskin's savage response to a Glasgow invitation to lecture "first burn your city, and cleanse your river," a new generation of architects and hygienists have not a little transformed the one, and vigorous measures have been taken towards the purification of the other.

But it is not anarchy to say that a few great hygienists might enclose or limit the life of all citizens, as nurses do with a family of children. It is not anarchy, it is tyranny; but tyranny is a workable thing.

At last Morel, after having stood looking at his son awhile, said softly: "Good-night, my darling." "Good-night," Paul replied, turning round in relief to be alone. Paul loved to sleep with his mother. Sleep is still most perfect, in spite of hygienists, when it is shared with a beloved.

Hygienists usually inform the patient quite clearly and directly that the practitioner has no ability to heal them or cure their condition and that no doctor of any type actually is able to heal. Only the body can heal itself, something it is eager and usually very able to do if only given the chance. One pithy old saying among hygienists goes, "if the body can't heal itself, nothing can heal it."

Although a few ten-thousandths more of carbonic acid in our air cannot of themselves endanger us, yet they have on another hand a baneful significance, and, indeed, the majority of hygienists will not tolerate more than six ten-millionths of this element in the air of dwellings, and some of them not more than five ten-millionths.

It is not necessary to name diseases in order to exercise dominion over them. Dr. Bernard Jensen, Visions of Health. In self defense, I must make it very clear from the first word that hygienists and most other naturopaths of various persuasions, and especially I myself, have never in the past, never!, and do not now, diagnose, treat or offer to cure, disease or illness.

Then there are the naturopaths, physicultopaths, gymnastopaths, hygienists, raw food advocates, and a thousand and one other notionists, who give advice as to what, when, and how you shall eat. Horace Fletcher insists that food be chewed until it is liquid; another authority says, "Bosh!" to this and asks you to look at the dog who bolts his meat and is still healthy, vigorous and strong.

Instead, therefore, of constructing the cholera and the typhus out of our "inner consciousness," as certain of the physicians and hygienists of Munich, in true German fashion, appear disposed to do, let us look at some of the facts of the case facts sufficiently obvious to be perceptible to any person of intelligence, and the nature of which is so well understood as to be accepted at once as bearing closely upon the subject in question.