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See, the busy Pleiades, Sisters to the Hyades, Seven by seven Across the heaven, Light desire With their fire, Working cunningly together in a soft and tireless band, Sweetly linking All our thinking In the Net of Sympathy that brings back Fairyland. A Voice.

Although the Hyades do not form so compact a group as the Pleiades in the same constellation, yet their appearance of relationship is sufficient to awaken a feeling of surprise over the fact that, as with the stars of the ``Dipper, their association is only temporary or apparent.

O bright and high Heaven, Who enlightenest and rulest this lower world! I marched on this expedition to the west, As far as this wilderness of Khiu. From the first day of the second month, I have passed through the cold and the heat. Do I not wish to return? But I fear the net for crime. Ah! ye gentlemen, Do not reckon on your rest 'The Rabbit Net' is the Hyades.

If it were worth the while to settle in those parts near to the Pleiades or the Hyades, to Aldebaran or Altair, then I was really there, or at an equal remoteness from the life which I had left behind, dwindled and twinkling with as fine a ray to my nearest neighbor, and to be seen only in moonless nights by him. Such was that part of creation where I had squatted;

Direct me, I beseech you, to Carcosa." The man broke into a barbarous chant in an unknown tongue, passing on and away. An owl on the branch of a decayed tree hooted dismally and was answered by another in the distance. Looking upward, I saw through a sudden rift in the clouds Aldebaran and the Hyades! In all this there was a hint of night the lynx, the man with the torch, the owl.

They represented the young god Dionysius, the Hyades surrounding him, and in colored groups all the gifts of the divinities who watch over fields and gardens, as well as those of the Nysian god. Each individual design, as well as the whole picture, was inclosed in a framework of delicate lines.

It showed a curiously intricate structure, composed of dimly luminous streams, and shreds, and patches, intermixed with dark gaps and channels. Ramifications from the main trunk ran out towards the Andromeda nebula and the "Bee-hive" cluster in Cancer, involved the Pleiades and Hyades, and, winding round the constellation of Orion, just attained the Sword-handle nebula.

Aldebaran, the Hyades, Alar, Hastur, glided through the cloud-rifts which fluttered and flapped as they passed like the scolloped tatters of the King in Yellow. Among all these, one sane thought persisted. It never wavered, no matter what else was going on in my disordered mind, that my chief reason for existing was to meet some requirement of Boris and Genevieve.

Two groups of stars especially distinguish Taurus, the Hyades and the Pleiades, and both are exceedingly interesting when viewed with the lowest magnifying powers of our telescopes. We shall begin with a little star just west of the Pleiades, Sigma 412, also called 7 Tauri. This is a triple, but we can see it only as a double, the third star being exceedingly close to the primary.

The magnitudes are six and eight, distance 56", p. 242°. A double of similar magnitudes is chi, distance 19", p. 25°. Between the two stars which the naked eye sees in kappa is a minute pair, each of less than the eleventh magnitude, distance 5", p. 324°. Another naked-eye double is formed by theta^1 and theta^2, in the Hyades. The magnitudes are five and five and a half, distance about 5' 37".