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"Oh, what a dreamless, delicious rest I've had!" was the visitor's waking thought. His next, that it must be very late and that he had put his hostess to unnecessary trouble. Then he turned over "for just one more wink" and slumbered on for another couple of hours.

Honor the hospitality of my house, for my dromedary is my house, and I wish you to be my guest. And, that you may see that Butheita is sensible of the duties of a hostess, accept this banana and refresh yourself; you will need it."

Many small spots like velvet formed beautiful bracelets round her paws; her sinuous tail was also white, ending in black rings. This formidable hostess lay tranquilly snoring in an attitude as graceful and easy as that of a cat on the cushion of an ottoman.

There was at Corbyknowe a young, well-bred horse which David had himself reared: Kirsty had been teaching him to carry a lady. For her hostess in Edinburgh, discovering that she was fond of riding and that she had no saddle, had made her a present of her own: she had not used it for many years, but it was in very good condition, and none the worse for being a little old-fashioned.

"Isn't it nice to come in and find the duties of hostess taken off your shoulders in this pleasant fashion!" laughed Rachel. "I hope you've washed the cups," she added, settling herself cozily on the window seat. "They haven't been dusted for three weeks." "Indeed I haven't washed them," answered Katherine loftily. "I'm the hostess. You can be guest, and Betty can be dish-washer."

O, most exquisite torture! was it clean gone, stolen, lost, lost, lost for ever? Rushing back in an agony of fear, that made the ruddy hostess think him crazed, with his hair on end, and a face as if it had been white-washed, he flew to the tap-room, and almost fainted for ecstasy of joy when he found it, where he had laid it, on the settle!

They were not announced the servant turned her back on them and rambled off to our hostess. They came forward in a wavering, tentative, unintroduced way partly, I could see, because the place was dark and partly because their visit was in its nature experimental, a stretch of confidence.

Then, learning too late the temper of the old man, she turned her harshness into gentleness, and respectfully waited on him whom she had rebuffed and railed at with bitter revilings. The angry hostess changed her part, and became the most fawning of flatterers.

Besides, I want him for myself." "You are the most selfish hostess I ever stayed with," Lois declared, turning away with a little pout. "Never mind! I'll make him talk to me after dinner." "Is your friend in the diplomatic service?" Lord Penarvon asked Rochester. "He is a most amusing fellow." "Not at present, at any rate," Rochester answered.

'Let every man praise the bridge he goes over, as the saw saith. Truce to this talk, Master Nevile. I hear that your young hostess ehem! Mistress Sibyll, is greatly marvelled at among the court gallants, is it so?" Marmaduke's frank face grew gloomy.