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When the horse-fly lays its eggs on the legs or shoulders of the horse, it acts as if it knew that its larva has to develop in the horse's stomach and that the horse, in licking itself, will convey the larva into its digestive tract.

It was an ill-judged movement, for, instead of circling Meg Kissock's waist, he extended his arm round the off hindleg of Birsie, the minister's pony, who had become a trifle short tempered in his old age. Now it was upon that very leg and at that very place that, earlier in the day, a large buzzing horse-fly had temporarily settled.

Beyond, he swung back again, leaned and flicked an early horse-fly from the ribs of the off-horse, touched the other one up a bit with his whip and settled back at ease, tilting his hat at quite another angle. "Oh, where have yuh been, Billy boy, Billy boy? Oh, where have yuh been, charming Billy?" He hummed, in a care-free way that would have been perfectly maddening to any one with nerves.

Consequently, the three horses were many yards apart from each other; but all were equally in motion all neighing and pitching about, as if something had set them mad! Could it be horse-flies? thought the hunters. They knew there was a species of horse-fly in the Himalayas greatly dreaded by all animals, and even by man himself.

God is alone but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion. I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a bumblebee.

"Ply the bellows as before, and do not, for your life, stop or falter until the work is done." But as Brok blew the bellows, and his brother gazed into the glowing fire, the horse-fly came again. This time he settled between the dwarf's eyes, and stung his eyelids until the blood filled his eyes, and ran down his cheeks, and blinded him so that he could not see.

The road ran pretty straight, skirting the mountains and threading the valleys, and hour after hour the dark, silent woods wheeled past us. Swarms of black flies those insect wolves waylaid us and hung to us till a smart spurt of the horse, where the road favored, left them behind. But a species of large horse-fly, black and vicious, it was not so easy to get rid of.

Well, there was a scene of consternation around there just at that instant, and our hero said: "I've been carrying out your programme, amusing myself with a sneak thief, and now, Mr. Senator's Son, you have evidence that Yorkers do know a thing or two, and you get yourself together and get out of this car and off the train at the next station, or I'll make a horse-fly net of you.

She's such a match as the horse-fly is to th' horse: she's got the right venom to sting him with the right venom to sting him with." "Yes," said Mrs. Poyser, "I know what the men like a poor soft, as 'ud simper at 'em like the picture o' the sun, whether they did right or wrong, an' say thank you for a kick, an' pretend she didna know which end she stood uppermost, till her husband told her.

The wheels crunched a loose stone in the road, and the driver drawled a, patient "gee-up" to the horses, as he flicked at a horse-fly with the end of his long rawhide whip. There was about him an almost cosmic good nature; he regarded the landscape, the horses and the rocks in the road with imperturbable ease.