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It will be a great comfort to us my wife and me. Will you remember us both very kindly to Mrs. Darcy? Commonplace words, but words that made an epoch in the life of both. In another minute the Squire, on horse-back, was trotting along the side road leading to the Hall, and Robert was speeding home to Catherine as fast as his long legs could carry him.

I found, afterward, that only strangers eat tamarinds but they only eat them once. In my diary of our third day in Honolulu, I find this: I am probably the most sensitive man in Hawaii to-night especially about sitting down in the presence of my betters. I have ridden fifteen or twenty miles on horse-back since 5 P.M. and to tell the honest truth, I have a delicacy about sitting down at all.

Oates, Atkinson, and Bowers went to Wynberg and temporarily forgot the sea. Oates's one idea was a horse, and he spent his holiday as much on horse-back as he possibly could. In a letter he expressed great admiration for the plucky manner in which Atkinson rode to hounds one day at Wynberg.

I do wish I could ride horse-back, and go to parties and picnics, and have stacks of girls all the time, then those silly students might go to gr I mean to College, where they belong; for I wouldn't care a cent for the whole lot of them!" Sara laughed.

In her hand was a javelin of silver, while her fair bosom was shielded by a breastplate of gold, artificially wrought with the scales of a crocodile. A vast concourse of gentlemen and squires followed, some on horse-back and some on foot. Thus Nebazaradan, the Shah of Persia, rode forth with his daughter to the chase.

Then appeared more Roman infantry; finally, between two escorts of white-robed Numidian cavalry, Caesar, on horse-back, in the midst of his officers. I recognized the scourge of Gaul by his armor, which was the same he wore when, aided by my brother Mikael the armorer, I was carrying him off in full panoply on my horse.

When he reached his house he met three or four men and women on horse-back, very muddy indeed, coming down the drive. Feeling hungry himself, he asked them if they were hungry. They said they were, and he bade them enter. Jimmy took their horses, who seemed to know him.

The Company's bought five thousand acres of wood and they want it surveyed. What'll you charge?" Clay thought a moment: "Going and coming, on horse-back it will take me a week," said Clay thoughtfully. "I shall charge a hundred dollars." "An' will you go right away to-morrow mornin'?" Clay nodded. "Here's fifty of it," said Jud "the Company is in a hurry. We want the survey by this day week.

He was searching his past for a clue, when a strange figure suddenly appeared on horse-back before them, trotting about for a moment and then turning around in its saddle. Des Esseintes' heart almost stopped beating and he stood riveted to the spot with horror. He nearly fainted.

When ushered in to my father, the gendarme, a huge, fiercely bearded man, adopted the most truculent manner. It had come to the knowledge of the police, he said, that my father had ridden on horse-back over a railway bridge, and along the line. Did he admit it? My father at once owned that he had done so, but pleaded ignorance, should he have broken any rule.