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On this were sure to be seated quite a group of homecoming peasants, the Cszeks with their white, and the Slovaks with their coloured sheepskins, the latter carrying lance-fashion their long staves, with axe at end.

On the day succeeding Harry's homecoming, he entered the room designated the "study," in which the Squire was usually to be found when indoors.

Tannis understood something of piano playing, something less of grammar and Latin, and something less still of social prevarications. But she understood absolutely nothing of flirtation. You can never get an Indian to see the sense of Platonics. Carey found the Flats quite tolerable after the homecoming of Tannis.

He too kissed the hem of her tunic now, just as the others had done, and just as they had done he walked out of her presence backwards with back bent and an overwhelming disappointment in his heart. "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding." Three months had gone by since then. Rome had acclaimed the Cæsar and rejoiced over his homecoming.

As a boat was leaving the ship early in the afternoon, we went in her; when, being landed at Point, we soon found our way to Bonfire Corner, I, of course, acting as the navigator. Dear me, no one ever saw such a homecoming in their life before as that of mine that day!

My mother could talk with me as often as she wished and as long at each sitting as she desired. I was no longer alone or despondent, my darling mother still could be, and was really, my mentor, friend, parent, teacher and spiritual guide. I forgot to mourn or to feel lonely, though I longed for my father's homecoming that we might share this new found joy.

But as the summer wore away she noticed that in a few hours the joy of homecoming would fade for him, he would become fitfully talkative, moodily silent, he would wonder why the Valentines were always late, and ask his wife patiently if she would please not hum, his head ached "Dearest! Why didn't you say so!" "I don't know. It's been aching all day!"

One of the most singular sights the newcomers had in the Abyss was the homecoming of the flight, the feeding of the young by discharging half-digested fish and the subsequent noisy powwow of the waddling multitude. All this, heard and seen by torch-light, produced a picture weirdly fascinating. Fish, weeds, sea-fowl these constituted the sum tote of food sources for the Folk.

And the house Duncan had his metaphorical eye upon was large enough to shelter Nat himself in addition to the Graham family. Thus they might pool their living expenses to the economical advantage of each. Finally, it would be a great and glad surprise for Betty on her homecoming. Graham fell in with the scheme without a murmur of dubiety or dissent.

So it came to pass that I went no more into the village that night, but slept by a fire that burnt where our own hearthstone had been, amid the ruins of my home. And that was a sad homecoming enough. Moreover, in the first hours of the night a wonderful thing happened which seemed to be of ill omen, and was so strange that maybe few will believe it.